Colleges of Magic Organization in Tremanac | World Anvil

Colleges of Magic

Colleges dedicated to teaching the various schools of magic during the second age.



Each college is led by an archmage who is selected from amongst the high mages of the college. In addition to running their own colleges the archmagi also form the mages council which came to control The Alliance.  

High Mage

The position of high mage is based on having both the desire to work in the college and the arcane ability to merit the position. There are a maximum of five high mages for each college, though it is rare for any college to have all of the available positions filled.  

Senior Wizards

Below the archmages are the senior wizards. There is no limit on how many senior wizards a college has, but the position is dependent on passing trials at all of the colleges of magic. These trials can be deadly, and despite the prestige and influence a senior wizard can expect to enjoy, there are relatively few candidates each year. Not all seniors stay working for their college, but those that do are put in charge of directing the training of apprentices, leading teams of researchers, and act as advisors to various rulers.  


Below the seniors are the regular wizards. Many wizards keep a loose connection with their college after completing their training, though some stay on to conduct research or train the next batch of apprentices.


Apprentices are accepted into the colleges after completing their initial training at either one of the local arcane schools or by learning from an established wizard. Once accepted, the apprentices spend four months at each college before formally choosing their school. They then spend their remaining time at that college for that school.

Public Agenda

To use the powers arcane to make a better world for everyone to enjoy
The overarching purpose for the colleges was set when they were first founded, though how it was interpreted changed over time depending on the Lord-High Magus. Several goals remained largely unchanged throughout it's existence such as:
  • Providing a place where wizards can be taught to use their powers safely and responsibly.
  • Provide a place where research can be conducted.
  • Bring together knowledge from across the world.
  • Provide confidence to wizards and clients that the right caster gets the right job.


Following the creation of The Alliance the mages who had helped make it a reality came together to agree on a new way forward for those who practice the arcane arts. Their success in forcing the creation of the Alliance had shown what they could achieve together, but it had taken a long time for them to come together.   It was clear to all involved in these discussions that the formation of the Alliance presented a unique opportunity for them to escape the control and restrictions of individual countries, without alienating large swathes of the population. A collective of wizards was proposed that could bring together the various practioners, provide leadership, and protect them from the whims of various sovereigns. It was the wizards of Balri who proposed that this take the form of an educational body so that it didn't worry the nations of the Alliance unduly. To provide further reassurances, the wizards proposed creating a variety of sites, with each dedicated to teaching one of the schools of wizardry.   The proposal for creating the colleges of magic was taken to one of the early meetings of the leaders of the alliance. With a presentation delivered by Imera Crail, one of the most scholarly looking mages, the Alliance's leadership had no inkling that they had agreed to the creation of an organisation that would come to dominate the Alliance.   It wasn't until a dispute between Balri and Trem began to turn violent that the leaders of the alliance learned about the full power of the colleges. As the armies postured and began preparations to attack each other, the archmagi of the colleges assembled 3 teams of the most powerful spellcasters. Two small teams were sent to capture the leaders of the opposing sides, while the larger third team was dispatched to discourage any attempts to begin a battle.  The operations were a success, and the leaders of Balri and Trem were forced to negotiate while their armies stared at each other across a field pockmarked with craters from the mages' spells.   Balri and Trem tried to persuade the other members of the Alliance to turn against the mages but the other lands saw an opportunity to limit the ambitions of Balri and Trem and instead invited the archmagi to discuss a more formal arrangement.  The colleges were given the authority to intervene in any conflicts between members of the alliance under the Mieren Accords.   As the alliance grew, so did the colleges.  The locations of several of the colleges were changed so that they weren't concentrated in the founding nations.  This helped ease the concerns of some of the newly joined nations and ensured the colleges had visibility around the world.  The power and influence of the colleges also grew in line with the power of the mages council, with the high mages being accorded the same  respect and courtesy afforded to Monarchs and Presidents.   The racial make up of the college also changed over time. When it was founded the High Mages were exclusively elves and gnomes, and for centuries it was thought that the shorter lived races didn't have enough time to master all that was needed to reach the level of high mage.  This changed when Hyacinth Bluebottle, a halfling, managed to attain the rank of High Mage.  While this shook the elven wizards, who had long considered themselves to be the most superior spellcasters in the colleges, they comforted  themselves with the knowledge the Hyacinth was an exception rather than the rule, and that there was no danger of the position of Lord-High Magus being granted to anyone other than an elf.


The college was torn apart by the conflict between Miluril Starbrow and Oscar Hilsburg during the War of Ascension.


Although the colleges did not actively encourage their members to follow any particular deity, each of the college sites had shrines to Wee-Jas and the various racial deities.  The Church of Merial was a key supporter of the colleges as their goals around the sharing of magic were aligned.  The colleges also had some members of the Church of Nycan but when they were offered space to build a shrine they refused as the space could be better used in expanding the already extensive arcane libraries.

Knowledge is Power

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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear
Character flag image: Colleges of Magic Crest by Tanai Cuinsear