Gaken Settlement in Tomeria | World Anvil
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Gaken is a mining town nestled in the Goron Mountains, that makes huge profits thanks to its trade with Gadenau and Gachen. The huge sprawling mine of Grado is considered the largest mine and cavern ever seen in The Archipelago and once the Continent races arrived they compared it to even the largest of the Dwarven mines.   This is also the only mine with access to Mithril in all of The Archipelago and was the major supplier of jade to Gadenau resulting in a economic boom for the Earth Genasi


Mainly Earth Genasi up until the Exploration era when it boomed with a huge influx of Dwarves due to Grimm getting in on the mining industry.


Ran by a mining conglomerate from Gadenau. During the Colonization Era however there was a huge push by Grimm to get people on the boards that run the industrial town.


Due to the seclusion of the High Seas Archipelago, Gaken's only threat were outlaws who would rarely strike until far outside city perimeters. This led to the invention of heavily armored golemn carts.

Industry & Trade

Gaken is known for it's extensive Jade and Mithril mines. Unlike the Jade of the The Continent   though the Gaken Jade is an Arcane Reservoir meaning it can contain arcane energy. This has led to the usage and refinement of it to the Earth Genasi Kingdom who use it from anything to buildings, weapons, to arcane machinery.


Due to being a industrial mining town most residential areas are pretty lackluster and simply carved out of the mountainsides. Known for it's massive elevators and extensive mining machinery.   It also has one of the larges mines ever known in Tomeria, the Grado Mines.

Guilds and Factions

Jade Mining Caste, Grimm, De Lau, Tau Mei, Gaken Enchanters


Gaken was settled to be the mine to supply the nearby cities of Gadenau and Gachen  Once the properties of the jade their was discovered however it quickly boomed into a permanent city filled with the development of golems, mining of jade, and the Gaken Enchanters.


Due to being an industrial town most of the buildings are simple and shaped straight into the mountainside. However, during the Colonization Era it became a much more crowded and dirty city as races from The Continent   began to build shabby temporary dwellings from the nearby forests.


A mountainous area nestled inside the Goron Mountains. Nearby water comes from cascading waterfalls on both sides of the city which is made up of several very large mountain passes.

Natural Resources

Gaken Jade, mithril, timber, iron, copper, gemstones
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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