Lava Hallway Geographic Location in Tierras Mágicas | World Anvil

Lava Hallway

The floor is lava

Most of the continents of the World of Plaza, as well as the bottom and top levels, are connected by a narrow, irregular passageway known as the Lava Hallway.
As the name implies, this dangerous corridor is a hot lava mess, with chunks of cold-enough rock that one can use to travel from one point to another. Small rivers of constant flowing lava of unknown origin traverse it constantly.   The Lava Hallway's flow starts from seemingly no source at the base of Ciudad del Cine, and falls in a slowly flowing curved path to the Lower Level, where it cools and stops, without any noticeable accumulation of lava piling up at the base.  

Danger Zone

It is easy to imagine that the Lava Hallway, important as it is for travelling, is not a place to stay.
Not only the environment is extremely hot and dangerous, but this path is also traversed by several All-Mighties that could easily crush an inhabitant of Tierras Mágicas with little more than an "Ah dang!"

What came after

The Lava Hallway is still there, flowing, unchanged.
It is probably the only area of the World of Plaza that didn't suffer any alteration since the fall of Tierras Mágicas.
Lava river
Location under
Connects to
Tierras Mágicas
Ciudad del Agua
Ciudad Comercial Chica
Lower Level
Rocky Mesa
Map of Tierras Magicas and Around


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Jul 14, 2021 17:28 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

That is really cool! I mean hot! XD but I certainly would not want to travel on that, that just sounds sooo unsafe! Do a lot of people use it in your world?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 14, 2021 22:59

Well... The Lava Hallway connects the main continent with basically everywhere else, so they did have to use it relatively often. it was mostly safe enough to traverse quickly, as long as you didn't stay in place for too long, or touch the cracks.