The Olümias - The Tieflings Ethnicity in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Olümias - The Tieflings

"The Olümias are a race of the Fagnaór in any case, and therefore can not be trusted... They are devious and deceptive. This fact truly sheds some light on the nature of the dark nation, Necrotus..."
- Radrias Farstride, A Grand Mage of Algos
  The Olümias, commonly known as the Tieflings, is a finite race tainted by the evil intent of The The Fagnaór , Artukos' most trusted Wraith generals. The Birth of the Olümias occurred when a young woman now referred to as the Olüm fell into Kleul Olüm, the cavern in which the corpses of The Early Wraith War lay. This woman was immediately cast out when her twisted horns and tainted blood were realized, but The Olümias have found refuge among the peoples of Necrotus and Corevia, which were equally hated and exiled in The Wraith Globe's past.

The Olümias' Physical Traits

  Physical traits present in every member include a pair of horns sprouting out the top of their head and a long, flexible tail sprouting out of their tailbone. Tieflings commonly have red, violet, rose, or even orange skin tones, and human hair colors.

Olümias Culture

  The Olümias have adopted many cultural practices from the Necrotian peoples, including culinary, seasonal, occasional, and even battle traditions of Necrotus. Most cultural traditions unique to the Tieflings are battle or dueling traditions. Their Wraith blood causes most of the Olümias to be extremely aggressive and war-minded. Tieflings are commonly recruited as battle strategists and commanders for their innate battle skills and tactics.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Akta, Anakis, Armara, Astaro, Aym, Azzara,Beleth, Bryseis, Bune, Criella, Damaia, Decarabia, Ea, Gadra, Gadreel, Gomory, Hecat, Ishte, Jezebeth, Kaia, Kallista, Kasdeya, Lerissa, Lilith, Makaria, Manea, Markorisian, Mastema, Naamah, Nemeia, Nija, Orianna, Osah, Phelaia, Prosperine, Purah, Pyra, Rieta, Ronobe, Ronwe, Seddit, Seere, Sekhemet, Semyaza, Shava, Shax, Sorath, Uzza, Vapula, Vepar, Verin...

Masculine names

Abad, Ahrim, Akmen, Amnon, Andram, Astar, Balam, Barakas, Bathin, Caim, Chem, Cimer, Cressel, Damakos, Ekemon, Euron, Fenriz, Forcas, Habor, Iados, Kairon, Leucis, mamnen, Mantus, Marbas, Melech, Merihim, Modean, Mordai, Mormo, Morthos, Nicor, Nirgel, Oriax, Paymon, Pelaios, Purson, Qemuel, Raam, Rimmon, Sammal, Skamos, Tethren, Thamuz, Therai, Theria, Valafar, Vassago, Xappan, Zepar, Zephan...

Family names

Ambition, Art, Carrion, Chant, Creed, Death, Debauchery, Despair, Doom, Doubt, Dread, Ecstasy, Ennui, Entropy, Excellence, Fear, Glory, Gluttony, Grief, Hate, Hope, Horror, Ideal, Ignominy, Laughter, Love, Lust, Mayhem, Mockery, Murder, Muse, Music, Mystery, Nowhere, Open, Pain, Passion, Poetry, Quest, Random, Reverence, Revulsion, Sorrow, Temerity,Torment, Tragedy, Vice, Virtue, Weary, Wit, Zeal...


Beauty Ideals

The Olümias adopt the beauty ideals of the Necrotian people.

Gender Ideals

In Olümias culture, both genders are considered to be perfect equals. This ideal affects home life, occupations, and many other aspects of Tiefling life.

Courtship Ideals

In Olümias culture, the female Tiefling proposes to the male Tiefling. This tradition was formed by the Olüm, who was a young woman.

Relationship Ideals

Much like their courtship Ideals, the female Tiefling leads the way in most relationships. Of course, this is simply a cultural concept, so it is a general rule.


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