The wraith globe The Taint, or Creation of Tieflings
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The Taint, or Creation of Tieflings

Life, Birth


After more than ten years of stewing, the tainted blood of the fallen warriors of Ansulf begins to grow...

Though accounts are unclear, it is believed that a young woman living in Ansulf stumbled across something that would change her life and the history of the Wraith Globe forever. When traveling along the main road to Ansulf, this woman noticed a strange sinkhole on the side of the path. As she stared down into the black abyss, an invisible force pushed her forward suddenly, launching her into the pit. After falling for an insane amount of time, she miraculously landed softly on earth. The cavern around her, now referred to as Kleul Olüm, was filled with the gooey corpses of the warriors of Ansulf. The fresh bodies glowed with a reddish-orange swirl, the power of the Fagnaór. The young woman almost immediately began to change in both personality and form, becoming what we know as the Tiefling. Late in the night, after the Ansulf Guard had heard her call, the woman was brought up from the sinkhole, but was immediately despised and cast out... This woman is known as Olüm, the first Tiefling...

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