Quincy Khatayin Character in The Mortal Lands | World Anvil

Quincy Khatayin

Sir Quincy Khatayin (a.k.a. "Catty")

"Listen to the Music, Gentlemen!   That is the sound of Progress! Of Posterity!   It's the Sound of Innovation and Entertainment!   And with a little investment, it could all be yours!"

A Man of Taste

  Quincy Khatayin was born to a first-generation millionare in Poartlind in the 1860s. His father, very new to wealth but wanting to do right by his family, did his best to provide for his family as lavishly as he could. His mother, however, had more common sense, and treated their newfound windfall with greater care. By the time Quincy had graduated from Poartlind University, his brother had already established himself with Mira's military, and his Sisters had both been wed to wealthy husbands.   Money had never interested Quincy, who instead prefer to patronize the arts. It was after a heated debate with his father and brother, in which he had stormed out of the house and walked the length of Poartlind, that Quincy finally found his calling at the age of twenty-three. A struggling theatre had burned down, leaving naught but a couple walls and a damaged radial spire.   It gave him an idea.  

A Man of Music

  Working with his father and brother, Quincy went to work purchasing the ruined property and rights to the theatre. The 'Radial Theatres' produced by the venue that developed out of it went to take the world by storm, causing a calvaclade of copy-cat theatres and recording rooms. It was Quincy who rode the crest of the wave, pushing innovation after innovation in the realm of Radials.   The venue soon came to be called Khatayin Hall, in honor of its patron and creator.  

A Man of Manipulation

  It was not merely his father's money that bought his way to greatness-it only was the boost at the start of the race. It was Quincy's fast tounge and keen sense for making deals that allowed Khatayin Hall and its artists to soon become the center of Miran society. And his silver tongue hardly slowed as the years passed, and more Radial Halls blossomed across Mira, then across the Mortal Lands. By the time he reached the age of retirement he was far more wealthy than any one man could dream, almost completely independent of his father.   Not that a man like him could ever retire, mind you. He enjoyed the game of wits far too much to ever fully put it down... much to the consternation of his wife.
Current Location
Current Residence
Black, Wavy, coiled around one ear
Philanthopic Endeavors   -Khatayin Hall -Archiepelago Relief -Scholarships for young performers -Artists Funds


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Aug 9, 2023 19:10 by Rin Garnett

Nice to see someone born into money doing something good with it, even if he's a bit of a manipulative salesman. I wonder if his tactics ever backfired on him? The philanthropic endeavors are also a nice touch, though they're a bit hard to read at the moment. I nearly missed them entirely, but I'm glad I didn't!

Aug 17, 2023 01:27 by Rachel Bentz

They've backfired once or twice, definitely; he'd have a very boring story if they didn't! And thanks for the feedback on the CSS; I'm constantly tweaking stuff as I make the design more my own.

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