Artificial Intelligence Technology / Science in The Galaxy | World Anvil

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the simulation of sapient species' intelligence in machines. They are programmed to think like sapients and mimic their behaviour. AIs are also capable of learning and problem-solving.

Human Development of AI

On Earth, the history of AI goes back to the 1950s. Then, Alan Turing published a paper in which he speculated about creating machines that think. He also created the famous Turing test, which was meant to test if a machine exhibits intelligence relatable to that of a Human.

An important breakthrough in AI development occurred in the 1980s when the so-called expert systems were created. Those were specialized programs emulating the decision-making ability of a human expert.

In the second decade of the 21st century, AI started to be able to process huge amounts of data and solve very complex problems. In that time also first programs capable of solving any problem started to appear. Many people were hoping that a true self-aware artificial intelligence would be developed, but it has never happened. People in power were afraid of the implications of creating what could have been called "artificial life". AIs were limited to serving specific roles.

Modern AI

Today, AIs are used in many places. Most importanly, they are used by the Earth Colonial Navy and Earth Marine Corps. The military uses include cybersecurity, combat simulations, weapon targeting, friend or foe identification and data processing.

Civilian uses include transportation, medicine, data processing and cybersecurity.

Modern active AI

  • Ares - AI installed on all vessels of the Earth Colonial Navy. It can be used for combat simulations, weapon targeting and friend or foe identification
  • Hercules - AI used by the Earth Marine Corps. It is installed on transport ships, ground vehicles and aircraft
  • Amelia - AI installed on SF-10 fighters as a co-pilot. It is named after Amelia Earhart
  • Asclepius - medical AI used both in civilian and military hospitals. It acts as a doctor's assistant but doesn't replace them
  • Eugene - hospitality AI designed for hotels, shops and other services. It was sold as the thing everyone needs and millions of people bought it on launch day. When after a few days they realized that they were scammed and got a buggy AI, the company closed and the executives disappeared. Clients were stuck with a terrible product. Most people got rid of it and bought different hospitality AI, but there are still some services which use Eugene. Law enforcement officers claim that they encountered modified versions of Eugene being used by criminals.
Children Technologies
AI technology is the result of work of many people throughout a few hundred years.
Access & Availability
Complex in creation, easy in use
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