The Felidae League Organization in The Bastion Realms | World Anvil
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The Felidae League

The Felidae League is an economic alliance of the Sand Tabaxi trading houses that flourishes within the Sands, a vast desert region. Lead by the Tawra, these feline traders control the flow of precious resources, including rare spices and alchemical reagents, vital for their society's prosperity. The League is divided into two major categories: the nomadic Houses of the Sands, responsible for resource harvesting and transportation, and the urbanite Houses of the Stone, overseeing commerce in settlements. The Felidae society blends commerce with spiritual beliefs, practicing elementalism, an animistic religion that emphasizes harmony between the elements. Though considered a 'free' vassal of the Nevereve Protectorate, the League maintains independence by meeting contractual obligations to provide alchemical reagents and manage foreign trade on behalf of the Protectorate.


The Felidae League operates under a loose conglomerate structure that allows each trading house to maintain its independence while contributing to the collective interests of the League. The organizational structure of the League consists of three key components:
  1. Council of Houses: The Council of Houses serves as the central governing body of the Felidae League. It comprises representatives from each trading house, typically the heads or influential members of the respective houses. The Council convenes to make decisions, discuss matters of importance, and set policies that affect the overall operations of the League.
  2. Tawra: The Tawra is the elected leader of the Felidae League. Elected by the Council of Houses, this position holds considerable influence and acts as the representative and spokesperson for the League in external affairs. The Tawra is responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations, negotiating trade agreements, and addressing any conflicts or disputes that may arise.
  3. Elemental Temples: As a spiritual and animistic society, the Felidae League places importance on their elemental beliefs. Elemental Temples serve as centers of worship and cultural gathering. They provide spiritual guidance, conduct rituals, and offer support to those practicing elementalism within the League.
Overall, the organizational structure of the Felidae League is designed to foster cooperation, maintain cultural identity, and facilitate effective decision-making while respecting the autonomy and unique internal structures of each trading house.


The culture of the Felidae is deeply rooted in commerce, spirituality, and the appreciation of nature. As a trading-oriented society, they value the flow of goods and services, and their trading houses play a central role in the Felidae way of life. Trade is not just a means of economic exchange but a cultural expression of their identity.   In Felidae culture, a notable distinction exists between the Houses of the Sands and the Houses of Stone, which contributes to the diversity within the Felidae League.   The Houses of the Sands, predominantly nomadic in nature, hold a special connection to the desert. They are responsible for resource harvesting, traversing vast sand dunes, and transporting goods across the arid landscapes. These trading houses are often associated with the extraction of rare spices and alchemical reagents found in the desert. They possess valuable knowledge of desert survival, navigation, and the utilization of scarce resources. The Houses of the Sands are respected for their resilience, adaptability, and close ties to the natural rhythms of the desert.   In contrast, the Houses of Stone are based in settled urban centers, typically built around outcroppings and narrow canyons that break up the otherwise flat and sandy desert. These trading houses thrive in commerce within the settlements, overseeing the flow of goods and controlling the local trade networks. They play a vital role in facilitating economic activities, negotiations, and maintaining order within the urban environments. The Houses of Stone are known for their urban sophistication, trade expertise, and influence in commercial affairs.   While both the Houses of the Sands and the Houses of Stone are part of the Felidae League, their distinct roles and lifestyles contribute to the rich tapestry of Felidae culture. The nomadic traditions of the Houses of the Sands complement the urban commercial expertise of the Houses of Stone, fostering a symbiotic relationship within the League. This division reflects the diverse ways in which the Felidae engage with their environment and thrive in their unique societal roles.   Spirituality holds great significance in Felidae culture, with the practice of elementalism as a prominent belief system. Elementalism emphasizes harmony and balance between the natural elements, such as Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. This animistic belief permeates their daily lives, shaping their interactions with the environment and their understanding of the world.   Nature is highly revered by the Felidae, particularly the desert landscapes they inhabit. Despite the challenges posed by the arid conditions, they have developed a strong connection with their surroundings. They possess a profound knowledge of desert survival, resource utilization, and navigation techniques that have been passed down through generations.   Family and kinship are also integral to Felidae culture. The trading houses, which combine familial clans and commercial enterprises, form the backbone of their society. Strong bonds of loyalty and cooperation exist within these kinship groups, fostering a sense of unity and mutual support.   Art and craftsmanship are celebrated forms of expression among the Felidae. They are known for their intricate patterns, vivid colors, and attention to detail in various artistic mediums, including textiles, pottery, and jewelry. These artistic creations reflect their cultural heritage and are often inspired by natural elements and desert motifs.   Overall, the Felidae culture embraces a harmonious blend of commerce, spirituality, reverence for nature, family ties, and artistic expression. It is a vibrant and multifaceted culture shaped by their unique desert environment and their enduring traditions.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Felidae League revolves around the pursuit of economic prosperity, harmonious trade relations, and the preservation of their cultural heritage. As a confederation of Tabaxi trading houses, their primary focus is on promoting commerce and ensuring the flow of goods in and out of the Sands. They seek to maintain a thriving trade network, not only within their own territories but also with external kingdoms and regions.   The Felidae League values the establishment of fair and equitable trade practices, emphasizing mutually beneficial agreements and fostering positive relationships with their trading partners. They prioritize maintaining a reputation for reliability, trustworthiness, and transparency in their dealings. The League actively engages in negotiating trade agreements, resolving disputes, and promoting economic stability within their territories.   Another important aspect of the Felidae League's public agenda is the preservation and promotion of their cultural identity. They take pride in their rich history, animistic beliefs, and spiritual practices rooted in elementalism. The League endeavors to safeguard their traditions, language, and customs while embracing the opportunities and influences brought by external cultures.   Overall, the Felidae League seeks to create an environment conducive to economic growth, cultural preservation, and harmonious interaction with other societies. They aim to position themselves as a respected and influential trading confederation, fostering prosperity for their people and establishing themselves as reliable partners in the realms of commerce and diplomacy.


The Felidae League possesses various assets that contribute to their economic and political influence:
  1. Natural Resources: The Sands, their desert territory, holds valuable resources such as rare spices, alchemical reagents, and phosphate. These resources are in high demand and serve as key commodities in trade.
  2. Trading Houses: The numerous trading houses within the Felidae League are a significant asset. These independent entities bring diverse expertise, networks, and resources to facilitate trade, manage logistics, and negotiate deals.
  3. Trade Routes: The League has established and maintains extensive trade routes that traverse the desert and connect with neighboring regions. These routes serve as arteries of commerce, facilitating the movement of goods and generating economic opportunities.
  4. Reputation and Trust: The Felidae League has built a reputation for fair and reliable trade practices. Their commitment to honoring agreements, resolving disputes, and maintaining transparency has earned them the trust and respect of their trading partners.
  5. Cultural Heritage: The rich cultural heritage of the Felidae, including their animistic beliefs, language, and traditions, is an intangible asset. It adds depth and uniqueness to their identity, attracting interest and fascination from outsiders.
  6. Skilled Merchants and Craftsmen: The Felidae possess a skilled workforce, including merchants, craftsmen, and artisans. Their expertise in trade, craftsmanship, and alchemy enhances their economic capabilities and contributes to the production of high-quality goods.
  7. Elemental Temples and Druidic Knowledge: The presence of elemental temples and the knowledge of druidic practices within the Felidae society are assets that contribute to their spiritual and magical prowess. These institutions and individuals play a role in maintaining the balance between the elements and harnessing their power.
These assets collectively provide the Felidae League with the means to control and influence the flow of goods, establish prosperous trade relations, and maintain a distinct cultural identity in the world of commerce and diplomacy.


The history of the Felidae begins in the ancient desert lands, where nomadic tribes roamed and traded. Over time, these tribes formed trading houses, each specializing in the extraction and transportation of valuable resources like rare spices and alchemical reagents found throughout the desert. As their influence grew, the trading houses united under the name of the Felidae League and elected Keshet I as their first Tawra.   In the early days, the Felidae faced challenges from external forces, including conflicts with neighboring kingdoms and nomadic raiders. However, the first Tawra, Keshet I, recognized the futility of warfare and negotiated a contract with the powerful Nevereve Protectorate, becoming a vassal state. This agreement allowed the Felidae to maintain their trading society while providing the Protectorate with essential resources and handling their foreign trade affairs.   With the support of the Protectorate, the Felidae League expanded its trade network, established secure trade routes, and gained economic prominence. The League's influence extended beyond the desert, reaching distant lands through its skilled merchants and efficient logistics. This growth also brought about cultural exchange, blending their animistic beliefs with influences from the diverse regions they traded with.   Over time, the Felidae League became known for its fair trade practices, reliable logistics, and vibrant cultural heritage. The trading houses flourished, accumulating wealth and influence within the League. The League's organizational structure evolved, with a Council of Houses electing a Tawra to lead and represent their interests.   As the Felidae League continues to thrive, their focus remains on maintaining a delicate balance between commerce and spirituality. Elemental temples dot their settlements, embodying their belief in elementalism and the harmony of the elements. Elemental druids, with their deep connection to nature, play a vital role in upholding this balance and guiding the League's spiritual practices.   In the present day, the Felidae League stands as a renowned center of commerce, renowned for its diverse trade offerings, skilled artisans, and the wisdom of their spiritual traditions. Their history reflects a journey of resilience, adaptation, and successful navigation of the complex web of trade and diplomacy in a changing world.

Demography and Population

The demographics and population of the land controlled by the Felidae League reflect a diverse and cosmopolitan society. The Felidae League has a reputation for being welcoming to outsiders, recognizing the value of cultural exchange and trade with different civilizations. However, they remain protective of their cultural heritage and strive to preserve their traditions and way of life. Foreigners are permitted to live within the Felidae League, fostering a multicultural environment where individuals from various backgrounds coexist. However, there are certain restrictions in place. To own property, foreigners must be "adopted" by a trading house. This adoption process serves as a means of integrating foreigners into Felidae society and ensuring their commitment to the values and interests of the League.   While foreigners are allowed to live and engage in commerce, there are limitations on holding positions of power within the trading houses. The Felidae place great importance on the preservation of their own society and the leadership roles within the trading houses are typically reserved for Felidae individuals who have deep roots in the culture and traditions.   This approach helps maintain the integrity and cohesion of the Felidae society while still benefiting from the contributions of foreigners in various sectors. It allows for cultural exchange, economic growth, and the enrichment of knowledge and ideas, all while safeguarding the Felidae identity and ensuring that the decisions and governance of the trading houses remain firmly in the hands of the Felidae people.   Overall, the demographics and population of the Felidae League reflect a balance between openness to outsiders and the protection of their cultural heritage, fostering a dynamic and inclusive society that values diversity while maintaining their unique identity.


Some notable points of interest within the Sands are:
  • Sandspring River: The lifeblood of the desert, a majestic river that winds through the arid landscape, providing essential water for the Felidae and supporting the growth of vegetation along its banks. It serves as a vital trade route and a source of sustenance for the settlements along its course.
  • Sandspring City (Kashirul Tandala): The bustling capital of the Felidae League, situated near the source of the Sandspring River. It serves as the political, economic, and cultural hub, housing the Council of Houses, administrative buildings, and prominent trade houses. The city is renowned for its vibrant markets, magnificent architecture, and the grand Elemental Temple.
  • Stonehaven: A fortified settlement built amidst rocky outcroppings, strategically located along the trade routes. Stonehaven is a crucial trading post and a center for stonecrafting. Skilled stonemasons create intricate structures and sculptures that reflect the craftsmanship of the Felidae.
  • Zephyr's Rest: A tranquil oasis nestled within the desert, known for its cool breezes and serene atmosphere. It serves as a haven for travelers, scholars, and those seeking respite from the arid climate. Zephyr's Rest is a place of contemplation and intellectual exchange, fostering learning and spiritual enlightenment.
  • Emberfall Caldera: A volcanic region characterized by its rugged terrain, geothermal activity, and occasional eruptions. The Felidae harness the elemental energy of Emberfall for their alchemical practices, extracting valuable materials from the volcanic landscapes.
  • Sunspire Plateau: A towering plateau that rises above the desert, basking in the sun's rays. It is considered a sacred site by the Felidae, representing the connection between the sun and their spiritual beliefs. The Sunspire Plateau is a place of ceremonies, rituals, and divine reverence.
  • Whispering Canyons: A network of narrow canyons that winds through the desert, forming a natural labyrinth. It is believed to hold ancient secrets and echoes of the past, attracting adventurers, explorers, and treasure seekers.


The Felidae, in addition to their trade-focused nature, possess a deeply spiritual culture centered around an animistic religion known as elementalism. Elementalism highlights the significance of maintaining harmony among the fundamental elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. These elements are revered as the building blocks of existence. However, some darker adherents of elementalism recognize Death as a sixth basic element, exploring the balance between life and mortality.   The Felidae's understanding of elementalism extends beyond the basic elements, allowing for the creation of compound elements by combining the primary elements in varying proportions. This gives rise to a vast array of compound elements, such as Beast and Plant, embodying the interconnectedness and diversity of the natural world.   While the Felidae lack a formal organized religion, their settlements commonly include elemental temples where rituals and ceremonies take place. Elemental druids, who possess a deep connection to the forces of nature, occasionally amass significant followings and play a crucial role in upholding the spiritual traditions of the Felidae.   The Felidae's elementalism reflects their reverence for nature, the cycles of life and death, and the intricate relationships between the elements that shape their worldview and cultural practices.

Harmony in Commerce, Strength in Unity

Alliance, Economic
Alternative Names
The Tabaxi Cartel, The Clawed Coalition
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Major Exports
  • Spice Blends: The Felidae League is renowned for its diverse and aromatic spice blends. These unique combinations of herbs and spices are highly sought after for culinary purposes, adding exotic flavors to dishes from around the world.
  • Alchemical Reagents: The desert lands controlled by the Felidae League are rich in various alchemical reagents. These natural substances, such as cactus sap, scorpion venom, and desert flower extracts, are essential ingredients in potion-making and alchemical practices.
  • Precious Gemstones: The desert regions of the Felidae League are known to harbor hidden deposits of precious gemstones, including rare and vibrant varieties. These gemstones, such as desert diamonds, fiery topazes, and opals, are valued for their beauty and often used in jewelry and magical artifacts.
  • Phosphate Sodas: While not magically active themselves, phosphate sodas act as carriers for alchemical concoctions and are vital in potion-making. The Felidae League produces and exports these specialized beverages, which are used by alchemists worldwide as a base for creating various potions and elixirs.
  • Sand Wines: Despite the arid environment, the Felidae League has developed unique winemaking techniques that utilize hardy desert vines. Sand wines, crafted from these specially adapted grape varieties, have a distinct flavor profile influenced by the desert terroir. They are prized for their rarity and sought after by wine connoisseurs.
  • Exotic Leather Goods: The Felidae League boasts skilled artisans who work with the hides of desert creatures, such as sand serpents and desert drakes, to create fine leather goods. These include intricately crafted belts, boots, armor, and accessories, known for their durability and distinctive desert aesthetics.
  • Elemental Artifacts: Through their practice of elementalism, the Felidae League has developed a reputation for producing unique elemental artifacts. These items harness the power of the elements, such as enchanted elemental stones, talismans, and elemental-infused weaponry, appealing to collectors and magic users.
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