The Wastes of Kingdoms Geographic Location in Terradox | World Anvil
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The Wastes of Kingdoms


Kingdom's Wastes is located on the edges of the Regions of Nerones, Hookland and Brendenvill. The Region it's self is made up of small to larger Hills and Cliffs, Kindom's Wastes is devoid of natural Water sources such as Rivers or Lakes instead most Water of the Region comes from Rain that leaks into caverns underneath the Hills and Cliffs.


The Region's Plants and Animals are dependent on the subterranean Lakes for drinking Water which made the bottom of Cliffs, which often hold cave entrances, the most populated place of the Wastes. The Rest of the Region is devoid of most Plants and Animals, except Duran Trees, Calendula Regia and Thistle Weeds. The Cliff Groves are Primary Populated by Blue Moss, Duran Trees, Wolfsbane, Grass, Raspberry bushes and Thistle Weeds.

Ecosystem Cycles


The Health and amount of Plants in the Region is based on Rainfall from Storms of the Abys. One can Read the occurrence of Storms from the Coloration of the Blue Moss due to the moss making small clubs when it is water deprived and these gain a ever growing gray hue based on how much water the plant has left.  


Each Year on the Summer Solstice The Calendula Regia bloom, the Duran Trees regain there ability to Grow and engrave the current Years Magical Properties in there Branches and Roots. The Summer Solstice also animates the Groves and awakens a new generation of Animated Shrubs, Trents, Nobel Lizards and Stonebads.

Localized Phenomena

During a Year of The New Moon the Surface of the Region takes on some of the Elements Characteristics (i.e. Grass looks like small green Fires), the Duan Tree also absorbs the Elemental Properties and gains a Crystalline Bark Layer infused by the Element on it's surface.

Fauna & Flora



Calendula Regia
a variant of the common Calendulaa that only blooms once a year during the Summer Solstice. It's Flowers have a light glow to them and are rich in energy thus they are favored by alarmists to the common Calendula
Animated Shrubs
These Animals are a type of shrub that gained consciousness due to it being infused with more Void energy than normal nutrients or Water. They use there roots and branches as appendages to interact with there environment. though these shrubs look peaceful they consume the Infused bark of the Duran Trees, Water and if no nutrient rich dirt is present they consume Fruits and small animals. The Shrub digests it's food by burring it and breaking it down using it's roots and consuming residual nutrients.

Duran Trees
The Duran Tree is a Durable Tree common in the Old Grassland of Kingdoms Wastes but has gained Magical properties during the Rise of the Emperor which limit's it growth to the Summer Solstice and Special Void energy Rich Places. It's branches and Roots are grown from the Amiant Void energy making it sensitive to Void energy and elemental manipulations. During a Year of the New Moon the Bark of this Tree takes on the Pure Elemental Property of the Event and uses it to enhance it's growth during the Solstice, this Bark is a coveted Thaumaturgical Resource favored by many mages to other elemental sources. The Tree it's self looks like an Ordinary Oak with Blue Leafs, it can withstand almost any Weather phenomena and can survive without water for almost 2 years. The Tree Requires to truly prosper water, rich soil, Sunlight and a supply of Void energy, but it can survive if it's supplied with void energy at least once a year (i.e. the Summer Solstice)
Trents are a collection of Shrubs that have learned how to cooperate with each other and have formed one consciousness. These Trents are rather Intelligent, they have a simpel social structure and see each other as the Guardians of this land. Trents have similar dietary needs as the shrub except that they also actively consume dead plant matter. Trents are known to be rather Friendly to plant based mages or those who respect nature. These creatures resemble a humanoid version of the Shrubs about three times as large and enjoy the serene sense of nature, when they Root themselves to eat or sleep they look like a very intricately made dense hedge. In addition act Trents as herders for shrubs to evenly fertilize the ground and support the Region.

Thistle Weed
as the Name suggest the Thistle Weed is a Spiky shrub that thrives on the top of the Regions Cliffs. It blooms four times a year during each equinox and Solstice. The Thistle Weeds grow in small cluster every 5 or so meters.
Nobel Lizards
These Lizards are five to forty centimeter large creatures that roam around the Wastes of Kingdoms. They have brown or green scales and travel from one Escarpment to the next in search of berries and insects. They are harmless and avoid shrubs and Trents for the most part.

Blue Moss
This Moss is commonly found in Cemeteries and ancient Ruins since it thrives on the residual life energy of humanoids. The moss can be found at the bottom of each cliff since it is rather water intensive for the region. The Moss has some special behavior local to this region tied to the Weather detailed in the Ecosystem Cycles section.
Stonebads are one meter large quadrupedal animals covered in brown to gray fur that has a sandy feel to it. These creatures head resembles that of Pigs with small noses and fur covered they have no tails and walk lower to the Ground. Stonebads are smaller Elemental Creatures that love to burrow and explore the Region, most of the time they travel in packs of 2 or 3 adults and 1 or 2 cubs. Stonebads eat mostly dead plants, small Lizards and insects, they have similar travel patterns to the Nobel Lizard. They have a great affinity to the earth Element and so have the ability to slowly but rather elegantly reshaping dirt and stone using void energy.

Wolfsbane blooms during autumn and gathers at the bottom of most Cliffs. This flower is rather common in this Region.

A Carpet of Grass envelops most of the Escarpments in the Region and form spots all over the Wastes of Kingdoms.

Raspberry bushes
These plants are scattered all over the Area and favor Cracks in the earth where they are nearest to water

Natural Resources

Except the Plants the region also has some salt beds scattered throughout and small electrum Crystals can be found in caves and near some Duran Trees. The Region is devoid of Ores and valuable stone types.


The Region was originally grassland that had plenty Lakes and smaller rivers but in the Final Days of the Terran Civil War the Region was Decremented. The Final Battal of The then Rebels and Terran Kingdom happed in this place and after the Rise of the Emperor the Region was flooded with Void energy and restructured it's self, but even after over onehanded years of being untouched it's still retains the Marks of the Magical War.
The Hookland Woods
The South Eastern Region of The Terran Empire. Defined by the Woods of Aradas and the Great Forrest of Farandul surrounding the of City Hookland.
In the North East of the Region the Elemental Montains stand deviding the Great Forrest of Farandul and the Waists of Kingdomes.
Alternative Name(s)
Knight's Doom, Shrubland
Owning Organization

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Cover image: by Alfred Kruse


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