Symbiotic Microbes Species in Teo-Mnach | World Anvil

Symbiotic Microbes

At first, the thought of having tiny creatures living inside me was a little off-putting, However, once that wore off I don't even notice them
— First scientist to inject himself with the microbes

Anatomy & Morphology

These creatures are microscopic in size. They have fat cylindrical bodies, made up of three segments. Ten circular apertures run down it's back, in five pairs. Hundreds of fine tendrils protrude from it's body, with a pair at front and back almost three times the size of the others.  

Genetics & Reproduction

The microbes reproduce by a process known as binary fission. This involves the creature splitting itself into two identical copies, after first replicating it's genome. The microbes are able to sense when the system they are in is in balance, that is to say that both system and microbes are in a state of perfect mutual benefit. If the system falls out of balance they will either begin or cease reproduction depending upon the scenario.  

Ecology & Habitat

The microbe's original habitat was inside a type of eel found on the planet Horus 5 however, after careful studies by the Ecai, it seems that the microbe can exist in any living creature with bio kinetic abilities. They attach themselves to sections along the nervous system of their host, and remain there until they die or replicate. After replication, one microbe will stay on the host node and the other will "swim" to a new node and attach itself.  

Dietary Needs & Habits

Creatures with biokinetic abilities give off a form of bio energy, it is this energy which the microbes absorb as a food source. They will only absorb excess energy, so in the eels on Horus 5 this only occurred when the eel hunted. As a result they breed in fits and starts within this particular host. Within an Ecai suffering from Excessive bio energy the food source is continuous so the microbes reproduce at a steady rate. They match their reproduction cycle to the amount of excess energy within a system.
9 replications

Symbiotic Relationships

The Microbes seek to form a mutually beneficial relationship with their host, Mopping up excessive energy which could do harm to the host, in return for a food source and a means to reproduce. This is especially true in the case of the Ecai, as they are the only thing that has proven to have a long term effect on those suffering from excessive bio-energy.

Medical Wonders

Untill the discovery of these microscopic creatures there had been no known cure for excessive bio-energy. Those Ecai who suffered from this condition eventually died in terrible pain, and often caused significant destruction in their immediate environment when they did so. The Microbes have saved the lives of many an Ecai, and are considered to be their greatest medical discovery since the Ecai fled their homeworld.

Cover image: by Gerd Altmann


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Jul 4, 2021 07:10 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I like the idea of doing something about microbes as a not obvious working animal and I want to make one too if I can find of something. I like that you went with the symbiotic route rather than the murderous one :p that's a nice change for microbes :D   Like I've said in the discord, showing the Ecai infecting themselves voluntarily and maybe also monitoring the "work" of the microbes in healing them would help in making this fit the prompt. Is there any case where the microbes get out of control and revolt against the host, taking more energy than they should?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 4, 2021 08:10 by Laurabones

the microbes getting out of hand will be discussed in the medical breakthrough prompt, as this is indeed something that sprang to my mind too