Ecai Biokinesis Clinics Building / Landmark in Teo-Mnach | World Anvil

Ecai Biokinesis Clinics

Many Ecai would be at a complete loss without these clinics. Although there has been a lot of research by the other species in how to treat biokinetic disorders, there is still a woeful lack of understanding. Knowing that there is somewhere to go to get treated, should the need arise, has made moving to new settlements a much easier decision for many of us.
— overheard in the clinic on Rin Station


Due to the Ecai's unique biokinetic abilities they require quite specialised treatment for some of the disorders that can arise as a result of these abilities. The clinics provide specialists trained in the diagnosis and treatment of all known biokinetic disorders, in calm and familiar surroundings. Some disorders require long term care in isolation, so the clinics also provide long stay isolation quarters where patients can be kept comfortably as they undergo treatment.  


The external structure of a clinic depends upon which settlement it is located in, as does the building materials from which it is made. The interiors are usually all built pretty much the same, and generally from the same materials. They will consist of a reception lobby, several examination rooms, treatment rooms, two offices for staff, and two or three isolation suites. The number of examination and treatment rooms will depend on the size of the local Ecai population.   The Ecai are fond of calm, clean and bright spaces, so the buildings are soundproofed, have a clean and simple interior design, and are decorated in light colours. Where possible skylights are built into the ceilings to allow natural light to flood in while still affording privacy for the occupants.


The clinics are staffed with at least three trained Ecai biokinetic specialists, who work in rotating shifts so that the clinic always has a specialist at hand no matter the time of day. There is always a receptionist on the desk, as well as two nurses. If there are patients in the isolation suites then there will usually be extra staff in attendeance to ensure they have round the clock care.


The clinics are funded by a mixture of the Ecai government, the government of the settlement in which it's located and the local Ecai population. It has been known for wealthy citizens to donate money to the clinicsl, or even for bigger wealthier settlements to fund the clinics themselves, if they are eager to attract Ecai settlers.

Cover image: by Gerd Altmann


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Jul 3, 2021 18:36 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice article :D I'm curious about those biokinetic disorders now :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.