Gotlbrand Engine Technology / Science in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Gotlbrand Engine

Perhaps the greatest innovation of our time by any dwarf, perhaps by anyone. The engine that has powered the industrial revolution for the working class across Valerick. The Gotlbrand Engine. This beast of coal and steam, of piston and steel, has powered the increase in manufacturing, the increase in shipping and availability of goods, the increase in the ability of working men and women to seek opportunity beyond their own towns or villages. Many can now commute from a little village where few opportunities exist, and cover the thirty or forty kilometers that might take a day on foot, or half a day or more by wagon or dog sled, in but an hour, to work in a large town or city at a factory, rail yard, or ship yard. To ply a craft or trade. This is the power house of our nation's rise, and the powerhouse of the rise of our continent as what will be a world superpower. We know of other lands, though we rarely interact. But this has allowed us a level of continental flexibility unheard of across the globe! The birth of locomotion, this is the moment, my students, where the world you would be born into became one of great opportunity beyond your heritage, five, ten, twenty times the career options and mobility than in the times before. Truly a marvel indeed. So hold your thanks this day, as we dive deep into the technology and the workings of it, the science behind it, hold thanks to Engineer Gotlbrand, the dwarf to whom many of you owe this opportunity, even though you perhaps never considered it before!"

The engine that has pushed Valerick into an industrial revolution, the Gotlbrand Steam Engine, a brilliant piece of engineering and machining.
Children Technologies


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