Bolugama Organization in Seleim | World Anvil
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This is the main religion practiced in Eoion. While a certain small sect worships the Shiroko dynasty due to their ability to create life, the main religious force within Eoion is Bolugama, a somewhat monotheistic religion which espouses a single spiritual force (the source of all magic called Bolu). This force has emissaries called Dea (DAY-ah), similar to saints or demigods who are worshipped after death and sometimes during life, although this is rare (Ilya Shiroko is one such person). The dea are often military leaders, social leaders, or spiritual leaders who accomplish great feats during their lives, be that conquest, theological breakthroughs, or societal reform. Miracles are often associated with them after death.

Mythology & Lore


They generally are grouped into three categories (Conquest, Social, Spiritual). Some regions place emphasis on one or another based on the history of that particular location. For example, the southern border, which has seen more warfare, tends to be more concerned with the conquest type. Whereas those who live near major cities are more likely to be adherents to social Dea. Some Dea do cross categories. Ilya Shiroko is important both as a conquest and spiritual Dea due to his expansion of the empire and high ability to manipulate magic. Within the categories, there are major and minor Dea. Major Dea tend to be those whose impact could be felt throughout the country and are most likely to cross categories. Minor Dea are often local and only associated with one aspect.

Important Major Dea

  • Ilya Shiroko (conquest and spiritual)
  • Capte Melri (spiritual, said to be the first to have used essence magic)
  • Tachira Leib (social, spearheaded many charity programs within the empire)
  • Osk Uenemet (conquest, a general who served under Ilya and developed advanced siege and defensive tactics)
  • Ulanna Kesako (spiritutal, famous for taming monsters, notably the giant scorpion Soriin)

Divine Origins

Bolugama began before Eoion was a single kingdom. Magic has always been a major factor in society and the teaching that all magic came from a single source took hold. The first Dea were mythological people who were said to have shaped society and harnessed the power of the Bolu in the form of essence magic. Since those early days, many other Dea have been added to the pantheon.    Originally, there were only spiritual and social Dea. However, conquest Dea were added as the kingdom consolidated and battle prowess became an important part of the culture.

Cosmological Views


The universe came into being through a concentration of magical energy, which had previously been a simple chaotic force. With this concentration, magic became centralized and this led to one source (Bolu) rather than an ever widening gap between elements. This new interaction between elements, generated the planets and universe as is known.

End Times

At the end of the world, all magic will once again be concentrated in a single force and reshaped. The world will begin again in a continuous cycle into eternity, although the current version of the world will die

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of Bolugama are as follows: 
  • The Dea are examples of how one should live their life
  • Strive to improve society, develop deeper understanding of magic, and conquer your negative aspects
  • All things are one within the Bolu, including life and magic 
  • Life must be respected and protected 
  • Magic and those who practice it should make use of their power for societal betterment 


The ethics of Bolugama follow from the tenets. In striving to follow the example set by various Dea, practitioners often pick a specific Dea to focus on. For example, the Shiroko Dynasty has chosen their ancestor, Ilya Shiroko, a conquest, social, and spiritual Dea as their guide. Because of this, they strive to bring about social betterment and instill within themselves a stronger connection to magic. These will increase their personal and societal power, allowing them to conquer their flaws and the ills that can plague a country.    A focus on the importance of life means that those who follow Bolugama are very reticent to kill. Meat is allowed, but hunting for sport is forbidden. Capitol punishment is a dividing topic. Some conclude that ridding society of negative elements is in line with societal improvement whereas others posit that life should never be taken if an alternative exists.



The beginning of spring is the main holiday of the year as it is when the magic of the world is renewed after going dormant during the winter (magic does not actually become dormant, but simply decreases. Old mythology uses that term even though current magical theory does not support it)- Called the Festival of Rebirth or Ferry Fest. This has both religious and secular significance much like christmas. Those who participate in Bolugama attend services, pray to spiritual Dea, and give gifts generally consisting of intricate nature sculptures. People not involved in the religion also give gifts, but they are more mundane in nature, such as things one would get for another’s birthday   Major Dea have their birthdays celebrated and regional ones are the same, but only in their area of influence  

Regular Worship

Group worship, scriptures consist of writings by Dea who brought about theological revelations, along with biographical information regarding other Dea. Central themes are often discussed, such as family, love, overcoming various sins, etc and these stories and scriptures are used to illustrate points or give examples of righteous living.  


Practitioners believe the soul will return to the source of all magic and can then be reborn. Similarities between ancestors of a family and the present members are said to come from this rebirth or a partial rebirth in which a new soul is formed from pieces of an older one. Sigils representing the six elements are placed along the center of the body and the person is 'bathed' in each. For light and void, they are left in a room with large windows for one full day and one full night. For liquid, they are doused in water. For air, the water is left to dry on it's own. The body is then cremated to represent fire. Lastly, the ashes are mixed with earth from the deceased's home (or another significant location in their life). The ashes are then placed in a jar to either be buried or interred in a mausoleum.


The religion is centralized within the capital of the empire and headed by a high priest and priestess (woman and men can hold equal standing within the hierarchy). All who work in this location are proficient in essence magic as its practice is seen as a form of worship of Bolu. Aside from this central theme, individual Dea also have shrines to them within the main temple and smaller branches of priests and priestesses take care of them and head their individual worship. Mission work is performed in towns and cities across the empire, with each locality associated with a patron Dea.   For each temple, including the one housed in Niuus, the high priest and priestess are chosen through a test of skill every five years. They must prove their connection to Bolu. The two who are able to perform the various feats, which include manipulating all essences, with the greatest amount of skill are selected.   As all things are ultimately one, each person functions within their place in society and is meant to occupy whatever ladder life places them in. Slaves all the way to the royals act to make society functions and thus have an inherent dignity that must be respected.


Ilya Shiroko had been worshipped as a Dea for several centuries since his death. Most descendants of Dea are not worshiped. However, a small sect of worshippers elevated him and the subsequent generations of the family as divine because of their ability to create new life.     For most of their existence, the group was small and tended to focus around Niuus  and the Golden City . Empress Khrystanya built the first temple to the family on the grounds of the palace in 730. This brought the followers closer to the people they revered and a deep connection was formed between the sect and the royal family.    Today, the sect continues to worship in the temple Khrystanya built, but there are several others around the country, the largest being in Parishi.
Religious, Organised Religion
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