Dolaris Settlement in Scalespiral | World Anvil


A small costal village, mainly engaged in fishing. The village has recently moved above ground, as the cave system where they were originally established has flooded. Now the only entrances to the caves are beneath the city hall and the temple.

Industry & Trade

The primary resource for the people of Dolaris is the local fish. Although fish-based dishes do make up most of the food in Dolaris, the primary catch is spikefin fish. These fish have sharp spines all over their body, with particularly long spines on their fins, but just beneath their skin they generate a precious oil that is prized for making and maintaining magical instruments. This oil, known as Spikefin Oil , can only be extracted from the spikefin fish, and must be extracted by a labor intensive scaling process that is made more dangerous by the spines on the fish. Many residents have been dreadful wounded while harvesting the oil, but bards and instrument makers will pay a premium price for it, so it remains the village’s primary export.


Due to the dangerous nature of harvesting Spikefin Oil, the village’s main export, the main hub of the village quickly became it’s Temple of Oce. The main healer at the temple has always been renowned in the area for his in-depth knowledge of hand and forearm healing, and there have been no permanent disfigurements from harvesting Spikefin Oil any time in the last two centuries.


Dolaris is surrounded by water on three sides, which is good because their primary commerce is fishing. The surrounding area is all karst topography, and the ground was too acidic for crops to grow even before the lich plague was unleashed. The local oceans, though, team with life, and the south and east sides of the village are calm, bay-like waters that invite fish in to swam in giant schools.


  • Dolaris
    A small village off the shore of the southern bay.
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Cover image: by Elli Howard via ArtBreeder