The Balancer Rank/Title in Sangwheel Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Balancer

The most holy priestess who leads The Order of the Threesome and guides the Kisangi people to the greater glory of the Gods.


In order to qualify for selection, the priestess must be a member of the Exalted Priests of the The Order of the Threesome and must be part of a Holy Threesome. In addition, her husbands must not be the First Left-Hand Husband or the First Right-Hand Husband.


If the Hub Throne stands empty, the Exalted meet for a period of a tenday to discuss candidates from their ranks. On the tenth day they choose the new Balancer by means of a secret ballot.


Every ruler of the nations that make up the Kisangi Continent proper travels to Magadla to kneel at the feet of The Balancer and acknowledge her as the representative of the Goddess on Earth. It is only after this pilgrimage and blessing by the Balancer that a ruler is seen as legitimate by the people of the Kisangi.

Accoutrements & Equipment

There is a special headdress worn by the Balancer that is reminisicant of the rainbow hair of the Goddess. In addition, the Balancer wears an amulet made of glass and metals with the symbol of the The Order of the Threesome stained upon it. The Balancer also is the keeper of the The pen of knowing.

Form of Address
Her Holiness
Source of Authority
The Gods of the Threesome
Length of Term
Generally life or until the position is resigned.
Related Locations
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