Sanctum Geographic Location in Sanctum | World Anvil
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Sanctum, The Planet Of Wonders


Sanctum is a so-called rogue planet: It travels in the void between superclusters having billions of gigaparsecs of nothingness between itself and the next big formation of matter. Contrary to the lifeless void surrounding it, Sanctum brims with life: Many different races and deities call the massive surface of this lonely planet its home, often unknowing of the void surrounding them. Compared to normal planets, Sanctum has a massive size, that makes it even bigger than some small stars: Its outer-most layer has a circumference of 812.971 kilometres that together with it relative high density generates a gravitational pull that inevitably pulls every smaller stellar formation into it. Due to this the surface of Sanctum has many large craters and most of its seas are a consequence of it.

Interstellar History

Aeons ago, Sanctum was a rather normal planet rotating around the Na'r Lam K'su binary system. There it swarmed with life and countless civilizations of various development stages, both magical and scientific, called the massive surface of the globe their home. As in every other corner of Creation, when so many different cultures collide, war was inevitable. But war is nothing the steady rotations of Sanctum would care about, if it wasn't for the ingenuity and bottomless arrogance of those who lead it. What exactly happened on the surface is long lost but the Black Hole that now calls Na'r Lam K'su its home should be warning enough to never attempt it again.
When the first Celestials arrived in the once glowing system they thought that the whole system was lost to the neverending hunger even they could do nothing about and left in search for other civilizations. When Sanctum was found later by a small group of Celestials, not one of them was able to determine how long the sphere has travelled but they were even more suprised when they found a barrier surrounding the whole planet rendering it immune to the omnipresent force of gravitation. True to their spirit of explorers the group decided to research this interstellar wonder and settled on the now lifeless.
When the 17 of them arrived on the surface they found a barren and icy wasteland only disrupted by craters and a single tower standing proud and tall despite the unlikeliness. Intrigued by the mystery that posed 14 of them decided to stay on the planet to reasearch it while the other three wouldn't risk losing ground in the Interstellar Contest and departed in search for living civilizations.
Years passed while the fourteen studied the tower and its surroundings but even over several decades the only thing they confirmed was that the structure was built by the fabled First Civilization therefor predating even the Celestial race itselve. When decades became centuries even the energy reserves of the Celestial became smaller and smaller until more and more fled back into the populated parts of Creation. Only eight where there the day they finally managed to gain access to the tower and its secrets...

Alternative Name(s)
The Lost Planet / The Nineteenth Wonder / Holy Sphere / Celestial Haven
Planetoid, Rogue
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Contested By
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