Unazan Gazar Settlement in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil

Unazan Gazar

Looking at Unazan Gazar now, you will be probably surprised to know that just eight years ago it has been the stage of one of the bloodiest siege in the history of Phaldorya. Elected by Toiag Bloodcleaver as the base for the invading operations of the horde at his command, Unazan Gazar1 is now a multi-cultural settlement comprising clay brick buildings, tents, together with older buildings reconstructed with different function from their original purpose.


Before the advent of Toiag Bloodcleaver, the area where Unazan Gazar stretches was an abandoned pile of ruins, from an ancient civilization, believed by the Hintadu to be haunted by evil spirits. In the documented history, has been subject to a couple of unsuccessful attempts of exploring and a few times has been the base of brigands and criminals, but eventually abandoned. Toiag used the area earlier on as an operational base to obtain power over the ogre nation and, eventually, to threaten the occidental countries. Nine years of open warfare followed and, after a long and violent siege, a unified army from Saythian, the Dragon Kingdom, the Otadan and some dwarvish kingdom managed to overthrow the ogre leader, but only a pile of rubble was left of the settlement. In the last eight years a temporary government has been put in place in the attempt to control the development of this settlement that has grown rapidly and extends in chaotic way.


by Luca Poddighe

The metropolitan area of Unazan Gazar extends on a rocky flat, just north of Ulim Lake. The area could be described as the steppe that creates a transition between Arquir Desert and the north planes of the Otadan. The area is dominated by a higher ground, occupied by the fortress, delimited on two sides by the lake and on a third side by a deep crevasse called Unazan Chasm. In the recent times, you can cross the lake using a wooden mobile bridge, made using ropes and large floating rafts, and this infrastructure has allowed the expansion of the metropolitan area toward south where the hills decline toward the lake.


The fortress is the stronghold of Unazan Gazar and it is presently under the control of a division of Dragon Knights, granting as indepedent controller. Furthemore, in the area are still resident a garrison from Saythian, one from the Dragon Kingdom and one from the northern indipendent countries.


The unsettled political situation grants a fertile ground for black market, because it's never clear who is supposed to vigilate and what set of rules are applied to this metropolitan area, therefore in the bazars of Unazan Gazar it's possible to find nearly everything. Despite the attempts of the Dragon Knights to stop it, the slave trade is one of the most florid in Unazan Gazar.

1Unazan Gazar in Hintadu means Place of the fall, the origin is uncertain and has indicated a larger area around the settlement for a long time.
Founding Date
2449, it refers to the new site foundation.
Included Locations

Cover image: by Jonny Joka


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