Aubade Character in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Aubade Tren (a.k.a. Au Blade)


Shattered Gem

Aubade discovered the remnants of a precious jewel at some point and sold it for a significant profit. When asked where, she responded that she found it amongst her possessions a long time ago and simply could recall from where to picked it up.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Transdimensional Polymorphy

During the sisters' multi-millennia lifetimes, they would change surprisingly few times:
  1. The first change was that of the seahorse-like Kampoi for 200,000 years
  2. Then into Gaivians for an uncertain amount of time
  3. Finally, as humans for the last 2000 years

Body Features

Back Teeth

Unique among her sisters, she possesses a second row of teeth behind her primary teeth. They are generally thinner than the first. When she is sufficiently agitated, the back teeth would flare and make a subtle appearance if one knows to look for it.

Special abilities

Common Source

Aubade and her sisters supposedly possess miltral ablities unique to them. As a group, the three share the same access to this mysterious power as well as the limitations of dividing it three ways. Yet, it seems to have served as a unifying quality that kept the group together throughout their time.

Apparel & Accessories

Pastel Goth

Aubade's wardrobe reflects a balance between darkness and softness: mint green, blush pink or deep indigo. She boasts lace-trimmed dresses, flowing skirts, oversized sweaters, knee-high socks and fishnet stockings complemented with platform shoes, chunky boots and accessories like chokers adorned with gems, metallic buckles and intricate velvet ribbons.   When she wears makeup, she tends to choose smokey eye with lavender eyeshadow, soft grey eyeliner and dark lipstick shades to complete an edgy look.   Aubade holds an uncharacteristic attachment to a trio of large ornamental star pins. She is typically seen with them tied into her hair or strapped to the waists of her pants.

Specialized Equipment


One of three, white peapod like sacs that rejuvenates the sistren when they die.   Upon death, the sisters' bodies decompose remarkably quick. Once it degrades into dust, those remains spontaneously appear inside the pod. It may takes hours, weeks or years for the pods to open and birth the next iteration of the sisters.

Mental characteristics



Being a part of the Tren Trio, Aubade exudes talent in playing stringed instruments and dance.

Mental Trauma


She hardly speaks of her own volition and dissappears for long periods of time.
What do you call a harbinger of death who craves death
— Vivace showing worry in her own way

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


Aubade is the least adaptive of her sisters; not just in relearning new locomotive actions because of a new body and adjusting to alien environments. She is also the slowest in adopting the latest trends in areas where she had lived for a long time.
I just asked for whatever old people like.
— Vivace offering Aubade ice-cream
As a result, it is common for Aubade to act in a way that makes her seem far older than she ought to be.   It is said by others, and herself, that she has an 'old soul'.

Vices & Personality flaws


Aubade possesses an affinity for lashing out in anger at things that confound her. She could rage and formulate half-formed plans that she rarely followes through on before becoming inconsolable. At either stage, she can also be prone to throwing curses and objects in any direction when someone tries to approach.




This is the one sister you could truly consider evil.
Only amongst the Tren Trio, is one designation as the 'rememberer'. In every reincarnation cycle, the role of the rememberer is to remember the history of the group from their previous lives. As with all the sisters, Aubade's personality shifts as the rememberer. She is less confrontational and somewhat somber at time when conversing with her sisters.  
During her life as Theigi, the creature now known as Aubade was at her most imperialistic. She had managed to rally a number of discontents in and around Aaragon to seriously challenge the Tetrarchy. During this time, she was the group's rememberer which she had looked to used to it utmost potential, but had inadvertently split the sistren.

Contacts & Relations

Past Soulmates

An Itey with whom she had an easy friendship and was apparently the best at foreplay at the time and place.
A polymorphed dino from Duat with whom she had the most peaceful life she could recall.
An iteration of Vivace from a past life who later betrayed her.

Family Ties


Copula Tren
Aubade's older sister has a domineering personality which often puts her at odds with Aubade. Though more often than not, she defers to Copula's plans as their ambitions tend to align.    
Vivace Tren
Aubade's younger sister is generally unparticipative in many of the group's planning.   The lack of an apparent drive leads Aubade, albeit infrequently, to bully her sibling. Vivace's typical response is to infuriate her further with wild antics and purposefully childish remarks.



Youngest Sister (Vital)

Towards Aubade




Older Sister (Important)

Towards Vivace



Chaotic Evil
Current Location
2000+ since her last rebirth
Circumstances of Birth
Recalls emerging from a pod
Circumstances of Death
Recalls only one previous "death"
First born in the primitive Naaglok
Vivace (Youngest Sister)
Current Residence
Shaved on one side and a long ponytail with pink/aqua highlights and single ebony strand on the other
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pinkish Tan
Related Myths
Related Plots
Known Languages
  • Balmein
  • Quroar
  • Charm Songs

  • Character Portrait image: Placeholder Woman by Annie Stein


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