For Your Voting Consideration in Pangorio | World Anvil

For Your Voting Consideration

This year, I decided that, since I am still in my CSS baby steps, none of my worlds are yet ready to be submitted for Best or Most Beautiful. So this year I have only entered articles and chose all my articles from Pangorio as it is the much more filled out world. This then lead to the painful job of choosing which seven articles to submit! Some of these have been dug out from the dust of years ago and were the pride of past me while present me went ... "Ahhh! How did I consider this finished!" So after a bit of frantic polishing, here they are:

Cover image: by jw432


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Mar 21, 2024 11:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great choices :) Good luck!

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Mar 21, 2024 12:34 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds