Battle-School Organization in Orbido | World Anvil
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The second stop of an Imp's journey.The Battle-School trains and shelters the young Demons, teaching them how to become productive Imperial citizens, able to get a profession as well as defend themselves from both invader and beast. Not all Battle-Schools are the same, many they reflect their City-State's culture and expectations. Depending on which one you live in, Battle-School can be the harshest period of your life, including actual wars.


Battle-Schools are often included within the Citadels at the core of a City-State or in a walled settlement all its own. The proximity to the Life-School and the Birthing Grounds allowing a seemless transition and familiarity with the ruling personel.


Contrary to how it went in Life School, the young must live in groups and take care of their shores themselves. Cooking, farming, smithing, sewing and other menial tasks are accomplished by the groups outside their school related classes. These are done in order to reinforce the collectivism and independence of the recruits. Should they leave the military course, they will still have the basics for other essential works.
Educational, School/Academy
Ruling Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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