Valkyrian Chalet Building / Landmark in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Valkyrian Chalet

The Valkyrian Chalet is a resort, spa, and sanitorium located in southern Archvale on the edge of the Valkyrian Baths. The Baths are a naturally-occurring hot spring, situated in a valley sheltered from the elements and carefully protected by the Order of the Valkyries, a sacred order of warrior-priestesses who guard the area around the springs from corruption and pollution.

Purpose / Function

The Valkyrian Chalet is dedicated to the worship of Eir and the Valkyries, and the healing and recovery of those who have suffered grave injuries or magic-induced illnesses. Those who visit the Chalet spend their time bathing in the waters, meditating and praying in the main chapel, and resting on the shores. They are also attended to by Valkyrian priestesses, who perform elaborate clerical rituals and spells to cleanse sufferers of any bad luck or demonic influences that may be hindering their healing process.


The original building consisted of the main chapel alone, with visitors staying in yurts or tents along the shores of the lake. With the development of Archvale as a more upscale resort location and the influx of more refined guests unused to these kinds of accommodations, the order of priestesses that maintain the baths decided to build some more permanent and upscale housing in the form of larger inns next to the main temple.


Daytime tours of the Valkyrian Chalet run occasionally for general tourists to Archvale, though these are strictly limited and overseen carefully by the priestesses so as to maintain the peace of the area. Long-term visitors are more likely to be devout worshippers of Eir, the gravely ill or cursed, or retired adventurers suffering mental and physical ailments as a result of their journeys. Valkyrian priestesses especially cherish the stories told by the adventurers who pass through, seeing them as warriors especially worthy of their respect and devotion.
Founding Date
ca. 600s, Age of Integrity
Hospitality, Spa
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Bernard Gagnon


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