Maria Verdini Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Maria Verdini

Donna Maria Verdini was a Cantonova socialite, heiress, and businesswoman. She was highly influential in her father Giovanni Verdini's crime syndicate, the Verdini Family.   Donna Maria was born to Giuseppe Verdini and Alma Verdini in the city of Cantonova in Y707, the youngest of their three children. She was privately educated by high elven tutors and doted on by her wealthy parents. In Y870, she married Don Luigi Verdini, a baronet of the Ramdailos noble family House Mallosa. As is custom among the high elves, he took her last name upon moving to Cantonova. The pair bore four children in the following years: Alfonso Verdini, Lucius Verdini, Therése Verdini, and Alcina Verdini.   Publicly, Maria was known in Cantonova primarily as a patron of fashion and the arts. Like her father Giuseppe, she was a skilled pianist and harpsichordist and a fan of Opera. She frequently funded and promoted recitals at the Royal Cantonova Yacht Club and at her family's Via Verenestra venues.   In some circles, however—particularly those close to House Almaviva—rumors flew that she was a ruthless, manipulative villain capable of murder. The Cantonovan urban legend of La Donna was often attributed to her, though she was cleared of any involvement in the Killing of John Felipe Almaviva in court.   Donna Maria was murdered by Rusalka of the Dragonslayers of Cantonova at the Esplanade of the Muses on 8 May Y1111. Two days later, her funeral was crashed by that same party, and her corpse was reanimated by Tosca. However, according to recent reports, she was likely reanimated by Valòmar Lona te-Morigana and given the Hand of Vecna.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Donna Maria is a pale-skinned Elf woman in her early 400s. She has long, thick auburn hair with a few streaks of silver, which she tends to wear in elaborate updos. She is tall for an elven woman, and dresses her slim frame in rich, elaborate silk gowns, antique jewelry, and tasteful accessories such as silk opera gloves.


Luigi Verdini


Towards Maria Verdini


Maria Verdini


Towards Luigi Verdini


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
707 Y 1111 Y 404 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Luigi Verdini (husband)
Current Residence
Verdini Compound
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Donna Maria, a powerful Enchantress, seen here wielding her magically-enhanced rapier.

Cover image: by mezzopatricia
Character Portrait image: by mezzopatricia


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