Arkash Volcanoes Geographic Location in Niorath | World Anvil

Arkash Volcanoes (arkaɕ)

For a long time not much interest was shown in the Arkash Volcanoes region. After all the frequent eruptions did not make it an attractive location for settlements. But when Selefer city ruins were found the interest, for the Keepers at least, increased.   Let those Pavans mine their gems and gold along the borders. What we discover there could be of much more importance.
— High Sage Syronikir
  Along the southern edges of the Mizarin Jungle there is an inhospitable region that is filled with regularly erupting volcanoes. This region is called the Arkash Volcanoes. Although not everything can live in the region there are still some plants and animals there, especially around the edges of the region.   However, the most striking aspect of the region is that large Selefer cities once existed here. Their ruins are only recently discovered.      
Mizarin Region

Extra Information

The Arkash Volcanoes are located in Oneraga along the southern edge of the Mizarin Jungle
It is an inhospitable region due to frequent eruptions
Controlled by
No large nations claim it although some smaller Pavan mining settlements exist
Many types of gemstones and gold deposits can be found here
Important Landmarks
Volcanoes, Hotsprings, Selefer ruins




  The most striking landmarks of the region are of course the volcanoes. Due to frequent eruptions ships that would sail through the region can often see eruptions. Since captains don't want to come to close they often avoid sailing through the region altogether.   Eruptions of the volcanoes here are not often very violent. So as long as people remain at a safe distance they can watch lavastream without issue.  
by Tanya Grypachevskaya on Unsplash
Hotsprings by iStock images, BIHAIBO

Hot Springs

  Along the edges of the region many hot springs can be found. There are also some in the inner regions but those tend to be dangerously hot and are also home to geysers.   The ones that are safe however are frequented by several animals who live nearby. Along the eastern side of the region there is even a small Gnome settlement that makes use of them for the relaxation purposes.

Selefer Ruins

  Not so long ago Selefer ruins were discovered in this region. This was a suprise for many because it was not certain that the Selefer had lived here before their discovery. It was also not deemed possible that long term settlements in the region were possible.   So far the discoveries in the ruins have brought to light that the region did not seem to have been this inhospitable in the past. Many historians believe that perhaps the Selefer caused another cataclysm here comparable to the ones in the Silent Forest and Volker region.    
Mizarin Region

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Jul 16, 2021 22:35 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Volcanoes are very cool :p Is there anything protecting the Selefer ruins from the eruptions or is there always a risk of them all getting destroyed along with their secrets? I like the possibilities of the Selefer having caused all the volcanoes to appear in some big catastrophe...

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 16, 2021 22:50

Many of the ruins are at least partially covered by the eruptions. However the recently found ruins were actually hidden but kept decently intact which make some believe they were indeed protected somehow :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!