Wyrm Species in Nibmu | World Anvil


One of the first dragons to come into existence. They slithered from the sea to become one of the largest and most respected species of Dragon.    The Wyrm is largely believed to come from the Sea Orc and maybe the first dragon to come on land. From them comes every other species of dragon including the four-legged two-winged Dragon that would rule over them. They all inhabit the western lands and were some of the first Dragons the God-King Havesp attacked during his war.   They hold as much magic as any Dragon but normally hold it back to just relying on blasts clouds of poison that takedown dragon and god alike.

Basic Information


Wyrms are long and round. They are only a little smaller than their legendary father the Sea Orc but much bigger than their cousin the Hydra or descendent the Dragon. They have no legs, nor wings, they are mostly one long body that tapers towards the tail and has a good size head.   Their scales aren't as thick as many other dragons. It is possible to cut through the Wyrm's body, and their digestive takes so long that if someone is swallowed by Wyrm it is possible for them to survive. Once every few months a Wyrm will shed its skin and grow a new set of scales.   Their bone structure is also a little on the weak side. It is able to move around at a great speed, and they are one of the most flexible breeds in existence.   The muscle of the Wyrm is were it excels. Any creature that could be considered an equal to the Wyrm can be crushed if the Wyrm coils around it. The jaw muscles of the Wyrm are considered the strongest of any species. If that is not enough, under the jaw of the Wyrm exists a pocket filled with poison. The Wyrm's bite will send the poison into pray killing most and stunning those it doesn't.

Biological Traits

There is said to be a Wyrm type that lives in the desert. It borrowed beneath the sands and now roams underneath eating what it wants. It is larger than any Wyrm, and those that have found it tend to die within its stomach.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is believed that every tenth dragon egg is a Wyrm's egg. They are created and germinated with the other Dragon eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Wyrm is unlike other dragons. It begins about the same size but grows much slower than their brother classes. It is born with a small thin layer of scale and skin, but within a few months, they grow another and shed the former. They proceed like this their entire lives shedding their skin every few months and growing in size each time.

Ecology and Habitats

A Wyrm will require large amounts of food depending on its size. The larger it is the more it hunts. This leads many of the larger Wyrms to hunt their entire lives until they either find something that will challenge and beat it or it starves to death. The Wyrm was largely responsible for the desolation of the far western lands and would destroy much of the rest of Nibmu if not for the Dragons creation. They now live a little farther south and are brought large amounts of meat from the Dragon tribe there.   A Wyrm will find a cave and will hunt from there as a base. The cave will be where it goes to shed its skin. They will coil up at the base and wrap around itself until it is ready to hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyrms will eat about anything presented to it. It will not store food but will eat until full, sleep, then will hunt again when it wakes.

Biological Cycle

At every change of season, a Wyrm will shed its skin. Its new skin will be thicker and its body larger. If it lives in a colder climate then it will attempt to sleep through most winters.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wyrms tend to be a more solitude creature. They tend not to have the social structure of the Dragons. They will communicate with other dragons, but are not normally involved with their tribal system

Facial characteristics

The average Wyrm has a larger head than any other dragon except the Sea Orc. Its neck is wide to accommodate the venom pouch. The head will taper down until it reaches its mouth making a long triangle shape. The eyes of a Wyrm are small and yellow with black verticle pupils.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Wyrm is distributed where ever it wants to be. There have been Wyrms found within the forests, grasslands, even the desert and close to the north. By far the largest number is within the south west portion of Nibmu

Average Intelligence

Unknown. Able to learn spells, able to talk with Dragons, and Drakes. Doesn't seem to enjoy communities so doesn't learn any of the more complex spell work.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Wyrm holds a poison unlike any in the animal kingdom, one infected by its own magic. A Wyrm never bothered to learn the fire spells or any other the Dragon did. The Wyrm did create several spells changing its venom into different poisons. A single Wyrm can create a mist with his poison that will blanket a small area. Gods have found that a Wyrm cornered will perform this magic at a moment's notice to escape.   The most likely poison spray is one that will kill any in the region. It is not unheard of for a Wyrm to spray a venom out that stuns a group of pray. The way the Wyrm does this is a mixture of two spells. The first is a word to bring forth a wind from the dragon's mouth. The second spell spoken will shift the poison under the Wyrm's jaw and force it into the wind spraying it out into the air. This poison will follow the command of the Wyrm.

Civilization and Culture


The first Wyrms crawled up on land during the early formation of Nibmu. They were much smaller then. They battled a few other creatures on land before they developed the poisons they are known for now. Many Wyrms during this age died because their size needed too much food for them to obtain.    The Wyrms were the first to find a group of stones lit with power. They used these stones in caves to heat their young and to keep themselves warm. During this age, the first Dragons were born with small weak legs and even weaker wings. The Wyrms killed those dragons, but new ones arrived within the next generation that were stronger.   The Wyrms developed their poisons and their populations grew slowly. Their Dragon children multiplied much quicker and often grew much smaller. The Wyrms sent these creatures away since their look was not like them. The Wyrms wandered the area eating every plant and animal in the region. The Dragons returned to find the Wyrms had destroyed the ecosystem.   The Dragons and Wyrms spoke and they were convinced to migrate south and they would provide them with food. This food came from the magic the Dragons employed. This was something they would only do when the Dragons required a balance to be maintained.    For a long time, the Wyrms stayed in their caves growing in size and strength only emerging every once and a while. They found a new species emerged while they were gone, and that species was a truly powerful one. The Wyrm paid little attention, but the gods noticed them. Havesp was the first to see them, and he knew the dragon was a threat. He followed them home and planned to have the creature killed.   When the Dragon Wars began the Wyrms were the first attacked. The gods came to their caves and woke the sleeping creatures. Thousands of Wyrms woke all angry, and hungry. The first army to come to the Wyrms paid a heavy cost. The size and strength of the Wyrm proved to be more than even Havesp feared. Havesp created the Wyrm's fears using his powers, but this only enraged the Wyrms. The gods retreated, but even then the Wyrms followed. Thousands of Wyrms blanked a town in Heaven with poison gas and thousands of gods died. Havesp managed to escape the slaughter but never forgot.   The Wyrms retreated back in their caves but never warned the other Dragons about the god attack. They knew nothing about tensions between the two races. The gods attacked again this time with thousands of gods. The gods won this battle only waking a few of the Wyrms at a time and attempting to keep most of the fighting within the caves. Individually, the Wyrms were overwhelmed with the numbers and one by one every Wyrm died.   This was not the end of the Wyrms. While much of the civilization died in those caves a small amount never went. The Wyrms traveled all through Nibmu. Some found small areas that they needed to force their way through until they made a home for themselves within the woods. Others moved through the grasslands, where the Wyrms shrank in size. When the war met these Wyrms the gods made it their business to find and kill as many as they could.    Rumor has it that one Wyrm still survives though. It has grown to a vast size and is worshiped by several desert peoples. The gods can never find it no matter how hard they look. It travels the sands and sleeps for long periods. When he leaves it eats offerings by those that worship it. A great SandWyrm, and those that find it never return.

Common Myths and Legends

The Wyrms told stories of creatures that existed when they arrived. Creatures that could battle the Wyrms. They were odd for the region large at times, and often powerful. These creatures used magics and could make them see delusions of things they feared, but their great Wyrms could see through them and battle against it. These creatures left after a large explosion of light. It is said that the Wyrms saw three figures that day at the center of the explosion, three figures that went on to become Fates.   Often these legends are considered memories as the dragons later documented the stones they found to be products of a long-gone civilization. The stones, hidden in caves, had the names of old rules of the world that vanished from the world. The Ice Dragons found one in their mountain and used it to change their bodies quickly. Many Dragons during the purge thought the same thing.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draco Ouroboridae
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Nothing on land has a more powerful jaw that a Wyrm's. The Wyrm probably has more muscle mass than even the Frost Giants. Its entire body is pretty much one large muscle able to crush anything it wraps around.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Wyrms have a top portion colored caramel with a lighter brown on its underside.

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