Gods Species in Nibmu | World Anvil


Light and fire made flesh

Written by ezeigler22

When the world was young when the world was nothing more than a smoldering wreck a white flame burned within a cave. The flame burned and moved around feeling the energy around it. The world around it grew. It became green, wild, and beautiful, and the flame still burned. The fire became flesh, and the first gods stepped from the cave and into the world.

Basic Information


Stab a god, and the sword will break. Gods exist as a spirit energy. Their flesh heals, their muscles grow, their organs will regrow. If their limbs are cut off, but their spirit is not damaged, the limb will regrow almost instantly.   They will stand anywhere between five and seven feet. They stand on two legs and have two arms. It is not unheard of for gods to grow more arms or legs if their abilities allow it. If ever cut open their blood will be the color white and will have a small glow.

Biological Traits

Gods will age regularly for a few decades. As their powers grow and mature their body adjusts to its peak foundation for the power. With most gods, this is a being in its prime, but for some, this is an older form.    God-King Havesp is a good example of this. His body aged and continued to age until he was one hundred. His mind remained sharp because of his abilities, his body was less necessary. He is one of few gods that can't rely on his body to perform any function, and must only rely on his mind in a fight.

Genetics and Reproduction

At first new gods formed by accident. Powers would be unleashed creating blowback, that mixed with life-giving energies. Gods became less powerful and the blowback became less normal. Internal organs developed shortly after the start of the Dragon Wars, and they managed to create sex organs. These organs created eggs and sperm that created future generations of gods.   How gods formed was a painful process. While inside the mother, the fetus was mostly just light. This could burn the mother endlessly until the second trimester (six months) where the skin formed for the young god. The process of developing the organs, and skin, suppress the light of the child for a few years. This not always the case. If the god's powers are not suppressed, the pain of the birthing will result in the activation of raw light within the mother. This will slowly push the skin cells apart while burning the new ones. It will kill the mother before the child is out.

Growth Rate & Stages

A god will be young for sixteen years. Their abilities will manifest at age thirteen. After age sixteen the powers will begin to become fully realized, the older the god gets the stronger he will become until he reaches his peak level. For those with Holy Fire, the older when they reach their peak level, their fire will begin to lessen until it reaches a manageable level.

Ecology and Habitats

Gods can live in about any condition. They will normally attempt to control the area they live in. Some gods will use their abilities to change the area around them until it is orderly. Gods also tend to be the most powerful thing in any region.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gods normally forage for food. Gods that are more powerful tend to go long periods without, some even manage to go without sleep or food indefinitely.

Additional Information

Social Structure

King Regions Warriors Civilians

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gods roam all over Heaven. They rarely leave the border regions to the west of the mountains.   There exists a settlement known as Tartarus that is within a desert just east of Heaven. These gods are known as Titans, it is common for the Titans to roam outside of their normal region.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Generally, gods sense using five main ways, sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. These senses can be added to by the spirit energy of a god. A god with enhanced senses can see for miles. One bonded with animals could see through them. Depending on the focus a god could see through their element like a sun god can see anything that the sun can.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The attractiveness of a god or goddess is secondary. When a god goes to court another, the most important thing is power. Those with raw power are courted more frequently, but the most important thing is the rarity of the god's ability. If the god's ability is common, then the god will be sought after less. If the god's ability is rare, then the god will be courted by many.

Courtship Ideals

For the less powerful classes, courtship involves a younger male god asking older god permission to court their daughter. The daughter then gets to make a choice regarding who they will date.   The more powerful classes, younger gods tend to challenge the older gods for their daughter's hand in marriage. The female has little freedom to decide for herself. If the older god loses, the daughter is taken by the younger and will be married.

Relationship Ideals

The first family system developed between the gods. Two older gods selected two younger. The older gods didn't have to give birth to the younger, nor did the two have to be connected in any way. The older only needed to have some combination of abilities similar to the two younger. The main first job of the older gods was to teach the younger specialization. These specializations kept the majority of gods from losing their skin and becoming a danger to the rest of the village.   As time progressed courtship rituals formed and family lines grew. Families that contained particularly powerful abilities attempted to merge the abilities by joining them. This led to some powerful abilities being suppressed, while others thrived and multiplied.

Average Technological Level

Gods rely on their light for technology. They can manipulate the land around them and are able to defend themselves when needed. The gods forge weapons made of silver and wear full suits of armor to battle.


The gods began as only bright white flames that could move around. They could touch nothing, eat nothing, and their lives were tormented. They eventually grew away from this form as they learned for force the flames into an area of their bodies, soon they emerged into the world with thin glowing skin that glowed even in the darkest nights.   Heaven had not formed in this age. The land the gods call home would not be created for several generations of gods. When they first emerged from the gods joined another civilization, the dragons. The dragons were the only two species back then, and from them would come every manner of creature.   The dragons allowed the gods to begin their civilization on a set of land uninhabited by dragon kind. They watched over the powerful new beings.   The gods found their new forms to be less powerful. Before a single swing of a god's hand could wipe out an entire forest. It took no effort to destroy anything or melt even the most resilient material. Now the effort made the gods shed their skinned form and once gone it took great effort to bring the skin back.   Several gods destroyed their bodies learning the limits of their power, these gods took to wearing armor over their destroyed parts. They found Silver to be able to take the spirit of their bodies. This made skinless forms easier to control. Several warrior sets emerged. These warriors experimented endlessly with their abilities. They found the abilities to move their powers around, but if they did so to much their skin would start dissolving. The more they moved, the more their skin dissolved. Generation after generation worked at getting the powers to settle in one area of the body.   As the generations progressed these family systems developed. No longer was it necessary to teach specialization. Gods based on their developing bloodlines. The family systems became lineage and the number of villages increased as their numbers did the same. A kingdom formed known as Heaven. The dragons took notice.   The dragons grew more and more worried about the gods. The gods could use their light to burn things, but more gods learned to do different things with their powers. Some commanded the light of the sun. Others managed to create illusions. The variety the gods showed, equaled even the dragon's magic.   Friction developed between the two creatures. The gods ventured further as they wished to expand farther than the barren land that dragons gave. A set of gods created machines that took the young species out farther and farther exploring their unknown regions. The dragons didn't care for their ventures towards their lands. The machines were attacked and destroyed. No permanent damage came to a god, but pressure mounted. A Dragonlords met with the God-King at the time.   The results of the meeting are unknown. For a few months later the God-King battled another god known as Havesp. The king fell to a young god with telepathic abilities, which he used to bring the God-King's fears to life. An army of gods formed under their new king's rule.   On a calm day, Heaven attacked the Dragon Kingdoms. The Dragonlords responded by forming armies of their own. The battle raged between the forces of Heaven and those armies, but no unifying force connected the dragons. Lord Havesp battled against the Dragonlords as his army battled beneath.   Dragon fire burned the gods. The magic-infused flame baked the silver armor into the bodies of the gods. For the first time, the gods met an opponent that could kill them. For all but few did the dragons embed a great fear. Those that didn't fear the flames of the dragons often could stand beneath them armorless.   These gods were few but created more legends than any single kind of god. They welded the flame of old. They responded with attacks of Holy Flame. The scales of the dragons burned and melted as the white flame struck them. Welders of the flame attacked turned to legend. The most powerful fell under the control of Lord Havesp's guard. They rode into battle often without any form of armor holding the banners of kings yelling. As they struck the at the heart of any force, they ignited the banner in flame and fired a wave of flame.   What didn't make the stories was what happened to them after the war. Welding the flame made you more powerful with younger, but of all the great powers the gods took, the Holy Flame is the only that kills the user. The flame rushes through your bloodstream. If the user doesn't use said flame it builds until it consumes the rest of you. Most of the flame’s welders die in white flames. Eventually, the fire becomes controllable, but before that day the welder needs to be careful.   The war ended in the god's favor. The gods managed to defeat every god army that attempted to battle them. They even managed to trap the last Dragonlords beneath a mountain. The dragons scattered away from their lands and abandoned the western portion.   The war began an age unlike any in Nibmu. Between the start of the war and end the Elvish, Orc, Dwarf, and every other form of life emerged. Each of them created by some mixing of the two species. The only exception is the Frost Giants of the north. They evolved about the same time as the Gods and Dragons, though neither managed to evolve any form of magic or light abilities.   After the war Heaven stabilized for a time. The territory that Heaven gained made them one of the largest kingdoms on Nibmu. Much of the army the god created dissolved and those that wished hunted dragons. These gods would travel throughout all Nibmu killing that remained of the once-great civilization.   Lord Havesp grew his power considerably during the war. The gods spread out through the territory making controlling the country difficult for the god. This led to him creating a standing army and regions for those armies to control. One group didn’t respond to this style of rule. They pulled away from their region when the army was called, they pushed back.   These gods were known as Smiths. They pulled from Havesp and gave the God-King no authority over their region. They rallied around World Forger. While he never wanted them to rally, the rashness of the Smiths brought him into conflict with an army. Even without the World Forger, they managed to defeat the force with nothing more than an army of mechs. This brought the Omega Army to their region.   Omega Army made a name for themselves during the Dragon Wars. Led by a Solar god, known by Adro. During the war, Adro became well known for attacking and defeating armies of dragons and moved at the speed of light. Sun gods were rare at the time, but Adro more powerful than most gods of his age. A spear he used sent his powers into overdrive. With the Omega Army coming against the Smiths, they needed the World Forger on their side.   Luckily for them, the World Forger didn’t see much of a choice. Omega Army held a reputation of being ruthless in battle. Even if they didn’t, Lord Havesp already called for his head along with every World Forger in Heaven. The numbers of his army grew several times as other Smiths came. The World Forger created armies of hundreds of different creatures, living breathing creatures. The Smiths armored, armed, and created armies of their own.   The armies created brought Omega Force to the point of falling. If not for a single soldier. Dadar-Aoshaka, the father to the later Anah-Aoshaka, fired an attack of Holy Flame. Adro always took on the more powerful dragons and took most of the credit for any success Omega Army had, Dadar went unnoticed during the Dragon Wars.   The Forge Wars were a different matter. Adro attempted to take on the strongest creatures, but his ability to move at light speed and even blast beams of light did little to level the army. A wave of fire could clear a battlefield of the created weapons. The Forger and Smiths could put together their armies fast enough to bulk down Adro, but Dadar, he managed to cut through battlefields and battle the Smiths within the cities.   The war ended with the World Forger in chains and before Havesp. It is unknown what the fate of the World Forger is. Some believe Lord Havesp tormented him until he stood broken in a tower. Others say his head is on display somewhere in Heaven. Others even say he just in a dungeon isolated from the world.   The fate of the Smiths is a little better known. Lord Havesp mistrusted the Smiths, but alone their abilities to work metal were less of a threat than a World Forger. He imprisoned those that took part in the rebellion. Enslaved the rest. The Smiths all stood within cities, creating works of metal needed for other gods. Their most useful place is in the army where they make weapons and forge armor made for each god. Throughout the military is never forgotten what the Smiths did and are treated as slaves.   The Forge Wars ended, but peace did not occur. At the start of the Forge Wars, a group of gods didn’t answer the call to come to battle the rebels. These gods were known as Titans, their leader called Aether. Their refusal to arm themselves against the Smiths and other rebels got them banished from heaven. They wandered the world for a while settling in a desert region in the south. The city became known as Tartarus.   God-King Havesp sat on the throne for several centuries. He dispatched gods all over the region to transform the land. The entirety of Heaven became lush green fields. The towns and cities became identical to one another as gods built from white stone. The buildings all built from a central road out across a grid with identical buildings being built in the same area. Forests were torn down and replanted on grid patterns with them all facing and growing in the same fashion.   As the gods multiplied, they attempted to move out again. They met the centaurs that roamed the plains and forest of Nibmu. The centaurs didn’t like the gods moving into their territory. Tensions built forcing a meeting between two representatives of the civilizations. Chiron led the delegation of centaurs, Dadar led the gods.   Chiron was the son of the Titan Kronus and an unknown elf. His mother never informed Kronus of the child and sent the creature with the centaurs. He grew up not knowing his lineage, but soon noticed he was stronger, faster, and able to heal. He became a superior warrior among the centaurs and an unequal scholar among the elves. He found out about his lineage during a trip to the elvish capital Haiabad, where he met his mother for the first time. When tensions grew between the gods and centaurs, Chiron knew the centaurs stood little chance against the gods. He rode fast to meet with the gods and figure out a pact.   Dadar grew older. His once-powerful fire began dying down and he could live a normal life. Before then, he came into conflict with the leader of the Omega Army over a female god. Adro wished to force a goddess, Staffa, to marry him by threatening her father to duel him. Her father, a god of storms Lord of the elemental regions, could have battled against him, but his age became an issue. Staffa looked for any god to battle against Adro to save her father. Dadar was the only one to take up the challenge.   The battle went on for an entire day and a night. Adro battled using his Solar Spear. Dadar his Holy Flame. Even at light speed, Dadar managed to use his flames to counter any attack made by Adro. When night came, the light of the sun depowered much of Adro’s attacks. Dadar took his opportunity to light a flaming circle all around. The sun rose for hours before Adro managed to gain any light. The smoke from Dadar’s fire cloaked the sky in a black fog. Adro lost most of his power before the sun reached him and was delivered a finishing blow.   Staffa honored the low god with her hand in marriage. Adro didn’t forget the battle. Within a year God-King Havesp made an offer to a Dadar to join his guard. Dadar refused. Adro believed his refusal would cause God-King Havesp to kill Dadar, but the King only banished Dadar. Dadar took his wife and left Heaven. Other banished gods set up settlements across the outskirts of Heaven.   Both figures only took part in the negotiations between the two forces. Neither side wanted a war. Dadar offered to pull back the settlements and make sure no more were built across the region. Chiron offered to open communication channels with the elves, orcs, and pass any information to him.   No conflict ever rose between the North West region in Heaven because of the friendship between Chiron and Dadar. The information shared guided Dadar in negotiations with the gods in the region. Tribes all over the world knew of both men and what they did for their peoples. This wasn't to last. A dragon appeared in the north of Nibmu. He carried more power than any before. He took the form of a god and entered the outskirts of Heaven. Staffa was giving birth to Dadar’s son Anah. The birth was hard, according to later accounts the birth should have killed Staffa, but the dragon interfered. The dragon saved the child and mother. The story spread all over Heaven causing God-King Havesp to send the leader of Omega Army to the region to supervise the hunt of the dragon. The dragon wasn’t found, but Adro took control over the region. As his control became absolute a rebel came into the region. Borr, the father of Burr, came seeking Dadar. He hoped to begin a rebellion against Havesp but found no allies within the area. Burr left, and later he was captured. He was executed while his son was banished to the frozen lands.   To the south. Heaven pushed is border regions further-reaching beyond a mountain area into a forest region. The forest region was home to the Night Elves. The forest pushed the Night Elves east towards the capital of Haiabad, a High Elf city. This caused tensions to rise within the regions. Chiron attempted to breach the gap with Dadar’s help, but all council meetings now went through Adro. Adro did not fear conflict and did not take Dadar’s council.   Other surviving dragons moved to Haiabad. The region grew in strength, the dragons went to work forging weapons for the elves. The elves grew bold pushing back against the gods, and establishing cities, towers, forts within the disputed forests. They also reached out to the dwarfs, orcs, and centaurs. The dwarfs assisted by creating weapons for them made of Adamant. The orcs refused, not trusting the elves after several conflicts between the two species.   Tension finally broke. Two gods, Adro and his son Vasna, moved through the forest scouting when they came across a female elf and her daughter Hazel. The elf fired arrows at the gods. The arrows struck, did little damage to the creatures, Adro and Vasna killed the elder elf while Hazel ran back to the city. The attack began a war between the elves and gods.

Historical Figures

Lord Havesp who created the modern kingdom of Heaven.   The sun god Adro, who managed to trap the last Dragonlord

Common Myths and Legends

Legends developed about the Omega Army during their wars. Much of the stories had a small grain of truth. Their oldest stories are about the gods that existed before Heaven when they were no more than fire. Stories and fables exist of those gods being able to do impossible things by the gods that came after.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Beings of light and fire made flesh
Average Physique
Every god will exist in the peak form for their abilities. If a god's power is speed, their body will be smaller and leaner. If their ability is strength their body will grow powerful and large.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body is normally tinted with a light glow. Their normal skin tone is normally a golden color.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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