Lotus Uprising Military Conflict in NEW WORLD SAME TRIS | World Anvil

Lotus Uprising

Despite its flowery name, the Lotus Uprising was a bloody rebellion that went on for about 5 years and meant the ultimate demise of the ruling Unull dynasty over the kingdom and their expulsion from the lands back to the Western Plains. Tens of thousands of people had died, but to this day people are remembering the events not only with sorrow but also with certain fondness and pride as it allowed the native Inzu people to finally rid themselves from the usurpers that ruled over them for many centuries and to go back to the way of the living and culture that they had to hide away for generations.   The first unrests started because there was quite a lot of things going wrong at once. First due to the heavy spring rains, many rivers got wilder and wilder and flooded villages in the nearby areas. Then there came the mud slides that has buried what was left and rendered many business inoperable. Add to it the increasing taxes and the corrupt Unull government that favoured their own people instead the commoners and you have troubles coming your way. Many people were starving, many people lost their homes and it seemed like it will never get better and there is no one to help. And that made many of the Inzu very, very angry.   Iridist temples were the only one who were giving out shelters and food to the poor and trying to also help out the injured as many of them had at least the basic knowledge of the embroidery crafts. That's why many of the rebel cells are associated with this peaceful religion - it was the only place that offered a little bit of hope.   Eventually the rebel groups started to attack the Unull noble houses and storage facilities, first for food and other important resources to rebuild their homes they had lost but soon enough these attack were more and more motivated by hatred for all the neglect of the current government regime. Eventually they gained more and more territory and were able to take the Unull nobility by surprise. And once they have conquered the royal palace, they burnt it to the ground. Thus the new and current dynasty had started.


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Aug 6, 2021 06:16 by Mochi

Lovely article! I'm curious, do the Inzu people have any yearly celebrations for their victory? Where they not only mourn the lost but also celebrate their victory?

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Aug 10, 2021 08:17 by Dimitris Havlidis

Thank you for submitting on my special category! I really hope you enjoyed taking part in SummerCamp this year! Have a wonderful day and I hope we see you on the awards ceremony!

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