Empire of Dercia

The Empire of Dercia is the largest country in Mirateia. The Empire began as a small city-state after the fall of the ancient empire. Because if the strategic position of Pearlhal , the city-state was able to use this position as a springboard to launch the first offensive for the First unification war , which would later transform the city-state into the Kingdom of Dercia , the territory that the kingdom conquered would be integrated into the new state. In the year 563, the Kingdom had expanded to where the Border with the Principality of Clifia is today.   Seeing that the Principality was a potential rival, the kingdom expanded to where the border is today to cut off the Clifias' access to the region. The following centuries were full of wars with the Principality of Clifia. Most of the time, the wars just ended in white peace, but sometimes Clifia took some land to lose it sometime later. Dercia never tried to expand further east after reaching the current border since only a few outside the current borders spoke their language or shared their culture. Dercia were more interested in uniting the region of Dercia under one banner. In 842, the last city-state was integrated into the Kingdom, and for the next few centuries, focus where spent on creating a common feeling of belonging together in 1126, a year after, The war of Western expansion the last great war between the two nations, the Kingdom was reformed into the Empire of Derica.


The goverment of the Dercian Empire is as complicated as its old.
  • Ibraghian Fylkier Siamak Aziz Zamani
  • Emperor

        The Dercian emperor rule as an absolute monarch and is historically the commander-in-chief of the Dercian armed forces. They will also have the title of head of the faith in the Empire, but the temples will operate most of the time independently. The emperor has control over the state finances and is the one that controls the payment for the troops, and the emperor will also be the one that signs off on the different budgets for the Prefectures that each of those will send in once every year. The emperor can appoint and dismiss the nobles of the Empire at will, being able to grant them not only land but also wealth but at the same time having the power to take it away should the noble fail in some way. In the Dercian Empire, the position of the emperor is hereditary. Still, the position as heir to the throne is in Dercia not based on the oldest or gender but on who the ruling emperor will deem to be most suited as the successor. This system has since the foundation of the second Kingdom of Dercia with the rise of the Astalles dynasty to the throne ensured that the kings and later emperors of the dynasty were the best suited for the position.   While the emperor rules as an absolute monarch, he is supposed to, in theory, consult with the senate and often, the senate is heard but mostly in times of great importance such as war.   The emperor's image is widely seen on coinage, seals and sculptures.

    The Senate

    The Senate of the Empire consists of two tiers of senators, although they often intermingle. The two tiers consist of aristocratic senators from the Empire's noble houses, and the emperor will give these senators the senatorial class. The other tier will consist of senators from wealthy families, often merchants that have been given the role, often as a means to secure more financial support for the emperor. While the emperor will listen to the entire senate from time to time, usually, it's only a small advisory group consisting of the most senior senators.   Today the senate only has an advisory role to the emperor. Still, during the early years of the second kingdom of Dercia, the senate had almost ultimate control over the king. Throughout the years, the kings and a weak senate were able to gain more control over the state until the time Empress Krea Astalles were able to secure enough support to proclaim the formation of the Dercian Empire.  
    by Rome, HBO

    Imperial Ministers

    In the imperial government, there are several key ministers that report to the emperor and have some form of autonomy and authority.   Pretorian would be the military minister whose job was to advise the emperor and or senate on military subjects.   Sakellion would be in charge of the state-owned workshops such as armouries and the gold, silver, and Diamonds the minister would also be the one that collected the tax from the Prefectures and carry out monetary orders from the emperor related to the armed forces.   Rex privatae would be the minister that would look after the royal estates and the personal wealth of the emperors. However, with Emperor Malthin II , this role was taken by his wife Empress Amelessa Ruxmer.   Chief eunuch is the one that maintains the emperor's schedule and typically controls who gets the opportunity to meet with a member of the royal family or the emperor in particular.   Eparch would act as the mayor of Pearlhal , and its the Eparch's duty to make sure that the public order in the city is maintained as well as that the prisons, building projects and public games in the Hippodrome Festivus is looked after.

    Regional Government

    The Dercian Empire is divided into several territorial and administrative units.   Prefectures The land that makes up the Empire is divided into seven major regions called prefectures, all governed by a Praetorian Prefect selected by the emperor. While it was a prestigious position, the amount of prestige that came with such a position could vary depending on how close the prefecture was to Pearlhal. The Praetorian Prefect in charge of one of the seven prefectures will be responsible for the prefecture's administrative, financial and judicial affairs.   Dioceses The Prefectures would be divided into fourteen administrative units, and a vicarii would be selected as the governor for these dioceses. This vicarii would then be in charge of the public post, maintaining the roads, bridges, Relay stations and making sure that the granaries in their area are always full should the need arise.   Provinces A governor would lead the provinces, and the role of the provinces was to supervise the town councils in their respective areas. During war, a general from these ranks would be chosen to lead the legions.   Town Councils The town council is the smallest administrative unit in the Empire, and its job is to govern the daily life of the cities and their immediate surroundings. The councils could vary in size and importance as the councils of the smaller towns and cities could consist of only a handful of people, unlike the larger cities where a small council almost rivalling the senate in size could reside.  

    Great houses of the Empire

    House Cornwallis
    Organization | Dec 5, 2022
    House of Eltai
    Organization | Oct 18, 2021
    House of Glicia-Hadrianus
    Organization | Jul 3, 2023
    The Astalles dynasty
    Organization | Jun 12, 2024
    The Ruxmer Dynasty
    Organization | Jul 27, 2021


    Given the empire's size, it contains many cultures, but generally speaking, the overall culture of the realm is one centred around the emperor and the royal family. Many look up to them for guidance and leadership. The many wars with the Principality of Clifia that has also led to militarisation in the country, where there has been a great honour for serving in the armed forces.   A foreign merchant, after his first visit to the empire, once heard saying:
    they put more weight on proper social conduct than racial stereotypes, so as long as a person adhered to these social rules, it did not matter who they were and/or where they were from.
    A common way of greeting someone in the realm is to grasp both hands of the other, followed by a suiting verbal greeting. This is just the most common way of greeting others; versions of this range from just grasping a single hand to instead raise the dominant hand to the side of one's head.

    Public Agenda

    Domestic policy: examples of the domestic politic includes making sure that the tax level is fitting for the current economic situation in the empire, issue new coins or open up new land for settlements.   Foreign policy: the foreign policy of the empire consists of two parts, one is called the "near foreign politic" that consists of maintaining a strong military presence along the border to Clifia. The second part the "Far foreign politic" is that to maintain a relative level of peace on the continent and to prevent any other nation from gaining too much power, the empire will help nations that are opposing the new rising power to contain this new raising power in taking over its surrounding nations.

    Demography and Population

    The population of the empire consists of:
    • Humans 40%
    • Elves 30%
    • Dwarves 10%
    • Half-elves 10%
    • Halflings 5%
    • Tabaxi 2%
    • Half-orcs 2%
    • Other 1%
    The main part of the population lives along the rivers and the coastal regions of the empire.   The estimated population of the empire are said to be around 15.7 million. First now having reached a level similar to what it was before The war of Western expansion and The Decade of 5 Emperors that followed the war.


    The empire took its name after the region where it was placed, anything west of Geralt's wall is known as Dercia. The people who live there all belong to the same family of cultures and has called this region their home for as long as anyone can remember.   in the strait between Dercia and Clifia, there is a small uninhabited island that Dercia has occupied and have slowly moved civilians and military personnel over to it to assimilate it into the empire.


    The empire of Derica operates a standing army of 375.000 legionaries stationed around the empire, the legion forms the backbone of the military but great importance is also put on the cavalry, mostly heavy hose units.   together with the army, the empire also has 255 warships split into 2 main fleets, the southern fleet and the northern fleet, small divisions of the fleet will from time to time sail to other countries to show the flag to nations who are allied as a mean to show that the empire can and will protect them if needed.

    Foreign Relations

    The Empire are in a state of cold war with its historical rival to the east, the Principality of Clifia. Regularly, both nation's ships will sail within view of the other and from a distance inspect the other. On the land border, the clifians will sometimes ride up to Geralt's wall to provoke a response from the garrison stationed there, sometimes the incident will result in arrows and or spells being exchanged.   There is also some tension with the Kingdom of Kistals , the Empire suspects them of funding the pirates that are harassing the shipping lines in the northern sea but without much proof, the empire is forced to just respond to the pirate threat.  

    Agriculture & Industry

    The geography of the empire makes great grain plains and extensive farming easy, together with large areas of wilderness, makes honey production a small but well-paid business; whaling is a small industry in the empire and can mainly be found in the north. Still, animal parts, like bones, teeth and things like that, are vital for other industries, such as magical components.

    Trade & Transport

    On the road network and sea lanes that bind the empire together, the main products transported are grain from the villages to the larger cities to be sold. Other products are timber from the forests around Vizima or the sea, fish will be transported inland.


    Most of the population has access to a basic form of education where they will learn to read and write, and higher levels of education are mostly limited to the larger cities.   If a kid shows signs of having a talent for magic, they can sign up for one of the magic academies spread around the empire.


    The empire has an extensive network of roads that connects the major cities and industrial areas of the realm with each other. These roads were first constructed as a means to have the military move around easy but over time the roads became mostly for civilian use and constructed for that purpose rather than military.   On the seas, the empire patrols the sea lanes to protect the merchants from the growing threat from pirates.  
    by Unknown


    there are several sects around the empire, most of them are harmless only differ from the mainstream by how they pray to the Gods   but there are also at least 2 known sects that worship "illegal Gods"
    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Empire
    Alternative Names
    Dercia, Dercian Empire
    Predecessor Organization
    Formation Type
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Leader Title
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Market economy
    • Crown
    • Silver penny
    • Mark
    Major Exports
    Grain, livestock, furs and timber are the main exports of the empire.
    Major Imports
    Textiles, clothing and herbs are some of the main imports of the empire.
    Legislative Body
    Judicial Body
    Executive Body
    Official State Religion
    Official Languages
    Related Professions
    Neighboring Nations
    Manufactured Items
    Related Ethnicities


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