Vitralsha Growth Condition in Miand'Mésvéstell | World Anvil

Vitralsha Growth


Vitralsha Growth is one of the most unnerving and enigmatic conditions in all of Alézun'Teran, and it is solely concentrated in a location that is most famous for helping those with strange afflictions: Cericor Hospital and the Hospital District.  

Name and possible creation

It is named after the Vitralsha Fungai; an astraphysical fungal species that can only be found on a few select locations in all of Alézun'Teran. However, it is only the Cericor Hospital variant that appears to bear its unique condition. It is most likely the fruit of a series of unfortunate and unique mutations on both a physical, astrophysical, and metaphysical level, caused by the high amount of exotic conditions that are treated in the Hospital.  


It originates from the spores of the Vitralsha Fungai, which affects both metaphysical and physical reality due to its astraphysical nature. The spores are then breathed in by the unassuming, though it does not have any immediate negative effects. In fact, it takes several years of consistent exposure for any noticeable symptoms to emerge, and by then it is often too late.  


Until the transmutation process is complete, some of the symptoms can be fairly painful and sometimes even lethal, which has caused it to be genuinely feared by the Melathi Hosptial Staff.  

Terms for survivability

"We need to keep trying. If there is even a one percentage change it will increase their survival then it needs to be explored!  
— A Vitralsha.
What exactly determines if one will survive or not appears to be a mix of willpower, physical durability, and mana-concentration in one's blood. This has caused some attempts to inject blood with a high concentration of mana into those who are in the transmutation process, though the success rate is thus far only 37 percent.  

First symptoms

"I just noticed it the other day... I have this damn itch on the neck and it won't go away...  
— A Vitralsha.
The first noticeable symptoms are fairly innocent: Itching around the chest area and along one's neck, shoulders and arms. Joint pain in the fingers, elbows, and neck. Then comes a regular cough and chest pain that may worsen during stressed periods.  

Endgame symptoms

"<Agonizing screams of pain>  
— The screams of a future Vitralsha..
It is when thin, crystalline flakes form lines across the chest like roots spreading from a tree, that the transmutation process goes into over-drive: This is due to the fungal roots having made contact with the air, and possibly also the Divine Energy that is so prevalent in the Cericor Hospital due to its Devi-Tech.
It is believed that the nervous system is heavily damaged over the course of this period, which may last for several hours, and takes a long time to recover afterward. All the Vitralshars have visible markings of the damage their nervous system took, which manifests within their bodies as cracks or fractal imperfections.
The strain on their nervous system inevitably causes the affected individual to go into shock and fall into a coma; all the while their body rapidly transmutes into crystalline, transparent glass, a process that may take hours or even days. It is during this period that one will see if the future Vitralsha will survive the ordeal or not.  

Affected groups

"You know why we are the only affected group? Because we swore an oath to help those in need. Unfortunately, that may come at a great cost, but I have found that it was all worth it in the end... Despite the pain.  
— A Vitralsha.
As has most likely become apparent, the only group that is ever affected by this condition is the Cericor Hospital Staff, due to their consistent exposure to the fungal spores. While there have been some documented cases of individuals contracting the condition elsewhere on their travels across Alézun'Teran, they are few and far between. The same goes for the patients of the Cericor Hospital, as there is a Treatment Cap on three years; they may return after about five months if necessary.  


"Just remember. Before your tenth year here at the hospital, reconsider changing your career if you do not want to become transparent.  
— A Cericor Hospital Doctor.
There is no known treatment for the Vitralsha Growth when it has taken root. In fact, according to studies, it appears the fungal spores accumulate over time, and it is only once they reach a certain threshold that the symptoms will appear.
How long it takes for the spores to accumulate differs from specimen to specimen, but will usually take between 10 and 15 years. This is also dependable on how much stress one has experienced, as it causes one to breathe in faster and thus the amount of spores one accumulates is higher than it otherwise would have been.  

Lasting effects

Magically Inert

Magicians who have gone through the transmutation process will quickly discover that they are incapable of using any form of magical capability, nor any of a divine or primordial nature. Most see it as a sacrifice to make sure they experienced as little pain as possible during the last stages of the condition.  


After the transmutation process is completed, your entire body is made out of glass. Or at least a material similar to glass. This goes for one's reproductive organs as well, thus making one sterile. Those who wish to have children are recommended to make it happen before any symptoms show up. Offspring appears to not suffer any ill effects of the parent, except maybe personality and appearance.  
Alternative Names
The Vitralsha Curse.
The Vitralsha Blessing.
The Transparent Condition.
Prolonged Treatment Condition.
Type, Spreading
Type, Supernatural
Astrophysical | Divine.
Located In
Cericor Hospital District.
Vitralsha Fungai.
Affected group
The Vitralsha.
"We need to ramp up the budget for research into methods of increasing the concentration of mana in an individual.
Have you ever felt thousands of microscopic knives cutting through your internal organs, while your body slowly turns into glass? No? You will, and you will wish you would not.  
— Dr. Firo first words after transformation.


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Jul 2, 2021 15:11 by Janelle

That was one intense read but so intriguing! (And the quotes so appropriately creepy in places!)

Seek out Fate in the world of Auriga!
Jul 4, 2021 09:28

A novel idea, reminding me a little of Münchmeyer's disease. The article is descriptive and is very successful in conveying the horrible threat that this condition poses. Some thoughts to ponder: 1. How does this effect benefit the species producing the spores? 2. What properties does the crystallisation have (different colours, smooth or rough, brittle)? 3. Are there any means of preventing the spores from propagating (filtrated masks, hunting down and burning the source)? 4. In what way are the children's personalities affected? 5. Do they know how mana concentration prevents the illness from developing? A very interesting article that has touched upon quite a few topics that are sure to inspire others when writing for this prompt!