Initiation Prose in Liminal Chronicles | World Anvil



How Tatsuya meets his Yakuza big brother. I hope you enjoy the glance into my main character's past.  


1.8K words, average reading time ~ 10 min (at 200 wpm)


PG. Death of main character's father, abandonment.  


yakuza, tradition, dark backstory, fate, side stories, world ember, pre-Rise


  This story has been converted to a manuscript. To read it, click the book.


Cover image: Sake Set by Kohji Asakawa


Author's Notes

I am now convinced Google thinks I want to join the yakuza. Sigh. Why did I not remember to do incognito searches? None-the-less, the initiation was fascinating to read about. Though, some sources listed 1 cup and others listed 2, and the new member keeps the cup with them as a reminder. I chose the first because I felt it better represented the pyramid structure of the organization. Those at the top always get more.   Keep in mind, present-day the mob in Japan has a really tough time because the government is cracking down. So the feeling you get from this article is an older one, closer to the mob heydays.   Until I get my research notes posted on the Yakuza article, I'll post some of it here in case it's of interest.

  • * Best details of initiation - Yakuza: The Warlords of Japanese Organized Crime
  • An Economic History of Organized Crime: A National and Transnational Approach
  • The Japanese Mafia: Yakuza, Law, and the State
  • Confessions of a Yakuza
  • What did you think of the story?

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    Dec 15, 2019 19:53 by C. B. Ash

    I like it! The story flows well and I got a good mental image of the character's plight! Nicely done. And thanks for the links (though I'll use Google incognito to view them! )

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