Drameer Settlement in Istralar | World Anvil


Winds, floods, fires, plagues.. Drameer manages. We have to. Where else would we go?
  Nestled at the base of the Talmian Range in the harsh cold of Vuorenmaa is a small and relatively unremarkable village named Drameer. It is a slow place with little of note occurring, and few of any significance making their way into the world.   Though its name is often missing from official reports, Drameer is plagued with an unnatural level of misfortune. Every raiding party from over or under the Talmian Range seems to pass through the town, often pillaging and fighting as they go. The region's summertime wildfires have claimed the village on a regular basis, to the point where its inhabitants retreat beneath the earth. Winters hit them particularly hard, and the spring thaw brings deadly floods - on which ride the seeds of plague.   Yet the misery of their lives rarely dampens the spirits of Drameer's citizens, who persevere through even the harshest days. They survive, they mourn, and they rebuild.


Elves? You'll find none o' those pointy bastards here. Clear off!
  Most citizens of Drameer are human and non-humans are often seen with distrust. Dwarves are a rare exception, though no dwarf is foolish enough to settle down in the cursed town.


Drameer manages with a small fishing and mining industry. Merchants come by every two weeks to supply the general store. Textiles and equipment are often created at-home, though the village's blacksmith is skilled enough to take on smaller tasks. The village's small chapel hosts services every week but its parish priest can provide no divine support, and must send for assistance in times of disease or tragedy.


Drameer was settled centuries into the past due to the deposits of iron in its nearby mines, and found itself named after Lord Kaspar Drameer. Though the residents of the town have their own storied histories and fanciful explanations, the village has never held much importance.   There is no natural way to explain Drameer's lack of luck. Perhaps the mines were cursed, or perhaps one of the residents angered the gods. So long as nothing continues to happen in town, the Blind Queen has little reason to care.
Alternative Name(s)
the Village of Misfortune, Desna's Blindness
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Drameer by Hanhula via Flowscape


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