Dark Sylvan | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Dark Sylvan

Language of the Silver Elves & Deep Fairies

A language that came about in the dangerous caverns of Káto, it is known as the oldest language of the caverns and tunnels that permeate Isekai. Speakers of this language are generally Silver Elves or Deep Fairies though the occasional Gem Dwarf, Elf or Fairy speaker would also be fairly common though the script is almost exclusively used by Silver Elves for their records, architecture, and spells. The script is attributed to the Silver Elf race and any suggestion otherwise is met with fierce debate and no shortage of historical documentation that seems to affirm this as fact.   The earliest appearance of this language is tied to the appearance of the Silver Elf race, it is said to have matured alongside Elvish as a language and some minor influence can be seen between their scripts. The main difference is that while still aesthetically pleasing the script for Dark Sylvan is made so that numbers matter quite a bit, those that are fluent in the written aspect of the language agree that it could easily be written in the dark with the use of two hands. The number of dips, arches, and branches are specifically made so that it could be transcribed without any light and can easily be read through touch alone. This language is shared between the Silver Elves and the Deep Fairies equally, each one contributing a different aspect as the Deep Fairies are thought to have influenced the Silver Elves' spoken language heavily with their own Sylvan language. This language has a relatively small presence when compared with other languages but this may be a misconception because both the Silver Elves and the Deep Fairies often have their societies far removed from others, far into Káto where other races will seldom venture.   The advantages of speaking this language are rather specific and tied to interacting with Silver Elf culture and navigating their territory within Káto. There are ancient cities that stand abandoned, vast temples and areas that look like they were once part of a vast community that has long fallen into disuse several miles below the surface. Those that would learn the stories of these places would need to be able to read the ancient carvings and shift through scrolls containing their histories, without the knowledge of Dark Sylvan an explorer would be hard-pressed to make sense of anything here or to even convince a Silver Elf city to let them pass through their lands. Most monsters in Káto will become violent and treat you will contempt if you speak Dark Sylvan in their presence, they recognize it as belonging to the Silver Elves and associate it with the malice that the Silver Elves harbor for the horrors of Káto.

Writing System

Root Languages


Author's Notes

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Sep 25, 2021 00:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the idea that if you try to dispute the origin of the script the silver elves will bring out documentation to prove you wrong. XD

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