Centaurian | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Language of the Centaurs

A language that is spoken by a small population that seems to share a strange connection to the Astral language but no historical intermingling of these languages can be substantiated by fact. Speakers of this language include the Centaur race almost exclusively, they are rather secretive of their language, and speakers of it with other lineages are rare. The script for Centaurian is rather complicated and places an emphasis on small, intricate movements of a pen or brush but the writing is meant to be done at a slow pace and can easily become unreadable if someone tries to rush the process.   The earliest appearance of this language is associated with the emergence of Centaurs as a race, this occurred rather late and it is surprising that such a unique language was developed that was not based in Elvish or Sylvan given their close proximity to the Elven Forest. The Centaurian language, even while spoken, seems to revolve around taking time to say or to write things and if you speak at a pace that is too fast the result is a change in meaning and that others may perceive you as annoyed, threatening, or frustrated. Due to the stoic nature that is common among Centaurs, their pace and meter in speech is usually one of the only ways to discern their true feelings towards you or on a given topic. Slow speech on a matter denotes care, joy, or thoughtfulness and there are a variety of speeds and pace shifts during a sentence that can convey meaning or a different relation between the words that are used. This language has a very small presence and is seldom spoken outside of the Centaur race, other speakers may include Elves that deal with Centaurs closely or geographically close witch covens.   The advantages of speaking this language are largely unknown, much like the language that it is inspired by Astral, there are specific applications when using this language for divination rituals. This language is built on the motions of planets and the alignment of stars. The script seems to denote different meanings when viewed at different times of the year, giving it an enchanted quality without the need for any magic to be infused within it. A message written in Centaurian could be written so that it only conveys a partial or completely different message unless it is viewed under the starlight of a given type of year. Most creatures seem to lack the patience for the spoken aspect of Centaurian and would rather converse in Common or another shared language.

Writing System

Root Languages
Spoken by

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Sep 9, 2021 13:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the idea that speed and pace matters in both writing and speaking the language. That's a nice touch.

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