Riswynn Silverstone Character in Irion | World Anvil
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Riswynn Silverstone

Riswynn Silverstone

Riswynn Silverstone is a highly successful prospector in the Iron Hills. She began prospecting as a young dwarf in 1597 AE, about 40 years prior to the onset of the Great War, and was already noted for a number of finds made prior to Chelestra's initial invasion. Her legend has since grown dramatically, as she continued her explorations in the region as the war built from border skirmish into the largest war the world has ever seen, with soldiers on both sides learning to fear her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Riswynn Silverstone is a giant of a dwarf, being tall enough to look many a human in the eye while retaining the astoundingly broad frame common to dwarves. Her many years in the wilderness have built up a musculature that few individuals of any species could hope to match. She is an imposing, powerful woman, and the few who miss that due to her height do so at their peril.

Specialized Equipment

Riswynn carries with her all of the tools she needs to survive, no matter what the world may throw at her. As a prospector, she carries a variety of tools of the trade, including a highly detailed map of the Hills, navigational equipment, a pickaxe, various tools for identifying minerals, and a small portable forge, equipped with a magical heat source that enables her to smelt steel and a variety of other alloys without difficulty. All this she carries in a bag of holding, along with a wide array of more common provisions, a wood axe, a hunting bow. In combat, she wears brown-and-green brigandine and wields a pole-hammer to deadly effect, and augments this with a variety of small, hand crafted traps that she uses to delay pursuers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Riswynn Silverstone was born in the dwarven mining town of Silverstone, and was always something of an oddball: unusually large even as a child and happier exploring the surface than below ground in the town or the mines beneath. She has few fond memories of her childhood - in dwarven society, conformity is common, and being such a glaring exception led her to no end of grief, though before long she could hold her own in a brawl even against fully grown dwarves. It was no surprise when she began her career as a prospector.   She found it easy to pick up the trade - her teachers, upon hearing of her growing reputation, remarked that she'd always had "a nose for good ore." - and left Silverstone behind for good in 1602 AE, only a handful of years after starting her training.   At the outbreak of the Great War, she judged it to be a border scuffle - rare enough, but nothing to get excited about - and continued her work. As the war intensified, she came to realize how wrong she had been, but nevertheless stubbornly continued her search for the next big find. As the war turned nasty and sabotage and subterfuge became commonplace, the Iron Hills became more dangerous, and she soon found herself having to hide from soldiers from either side, who assumed a lone figure traveling these lands to be a spy, and interpreting her refusal to respond to challenges as hostility rather than lack of comprehension - Silverstone is an unusually sheltered place, and she only learned a handful of words of the Kinilani dialect.   As this problem worsened, and as the war grew in scope, she found stealth was no longer enough. After a handful of narrow scrapes where she fought alone against patrol, she began developing new tactics, setting out traps for patrols and along an escape route, then ambushing them and using the ensuing chaos to slip past into less crowded territory where she could work in relative peace. Word of these attacks spread among the soldiers, who quickly came to fear the might of this mysterious dwarven warrior who struck at random, showing no discernable pattern or adherence to any sort of strategy.   She still lives out there in the Iron Hills, continuing her prospecting, and has evaded all attempts to communicate with her. She has not yet realized the war has ended, believing it has, instead, merely reached a new phase that seems, at least on the surface, to be less troublesome.
Year of Birth
1541 AE 194 Years old
Steely grey eyes said to strip one down to their soul at a glance
Long unkempt hair that is black with a tinge of blue when clean.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Strongly tanned and weathered after over a century of living off the land.
157 cm
112 kg


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Jan 9, 2021 14:26 by Angantyr

"Her many years in the wilderness have built up a musculature that few individuals of any species could hope to match. She is an imposing, powerful woman, and the few who miss that due to her height do so at their peril."   I think that her height makes her look even more dangerous. :P   I love it how her oddness in the dwarven society became a foundation for strength and ability to cope with life, even if the memories of childhood were more bitter than sweet.

Playing around with words and worlds
Jan 9, 2021 18:48 by Maybe Stewart

I love her. I want to be her friend.

Jan 15, 2021 21:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

She sounds amazing - I love that she doesn't know that the war has ended, haha. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jan 15, 2021 22:51 by Rashkavar

That's actually happened on a couple of occasions in real wars - several Japanese soldiers held out for years after WWII, for instance.   In this case, though, I thought it was a good adventure hook: tell the players her story, and give them the mission to convince her to stop assuming that everyone she sees is going to try to kill her.