Fey Speech Language in Iaforis | World Anvil

Fey Speech

Fey Speech is the ancient ancestor to the modern Druidic . It was originally a combination of Sylvan phonemes and Giant script used to approximate them. Over time it evolved into its own language distinct from both the native Feywild language of Sylvan and that of the giants. It was developed by sects of Firbolg druids millenia ago to communicate important locations with each other without risking others finding out about them. Whever new sites containing these writings are uncovered, it leads to a boom in research, with little making any meaningful headway.

Hiding the Feywild

Long ago, the Feywild and Material Plane were intimately connected. Beings from both planes were able to pass between the planes with ease through abundant portals. After the Destruction of Embriel, most of these portals were destroyed as the power of the Old Gods waned and magic destabilized for a time. These portals were the object of intense wars that tore the land apart. In response, the Firbolgs began using their remaining magic to hide these locations. The only records they kept of these locations were carved into stone tablets written in a language of their creation – Fey Speech.

A Lost Language

There are no known speakers of this language left alive, though speakers of Druidic, which itself is derived from Fey Speech, can be found in druid circles throughout the world. The firbolgs who once spoke the language all but vanish from the world over two thousand years ago. The last members of this species live in the Frozen Woods, in the far-northern reaches of Awira.

Hybrid Language

Creatures that have the ability to read Giant and speak Sylvan are able to translate the literal meaning of the words without too much difficulty. Creatures that are able to speak Druidic as well are able to make some interpretaion as to the actual meaning of the glyphs.

Cover image: by MOM


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