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As they ascended into the heavens, Lor and Evolere struck down Sevrin and banished his forces from the world. Quickly they reformed the shattered Embriel into two new moons before divinity left the world forever. Slowly the world recovered and the greatest threats to the people who inhabited it were once again themsleves.   Five thousand years have passed, and rumors of a terrifying new god – one unseen by even Lor and Evolere themselves – have begun working their way through the upper echelons of scociety.   Far to the East, the elves are experiencing widespread unrest for the first time in over a millenia, and they have turned to the offer of a help by a woman claiming to know how to strike this new god down.   In the West, a long vanquished evil stirs. With the Kingdom of Ocila broken, there remain few positioned to oppose it.