Brute Squad Organization in Hypnosium | World Anvil

Brute Squad

Muscles Up

We Are

The Brute Squad serves as the arm of law in Gobblyton. It is they who bring wrongdoers before the council elders. Trials are had and when the judgments are made, they carry out on of two punishments which are either death or ten years confinement to the Undertrees Caves where the Squad guards all entrances and exits.   Minor crimes, those infractions that a member of the Brute Squad deems illegal, are handled on the spot. Justice is meted out with clubs to the offenders. Bribes are often used to make some act a crime, have some act ignored, or pay in place of punishment.

First Days

Wroomurrk saw a future but bemoaned the waywardness of his fellow goblins. Luckily, he had a plan for their hard-headedness.
It was simple. Protect the tall trees. Up so high from enemies and trouble they, along with the giant bats they rode and called messenger bats, would flourish. He began to hire the strongest goblins, armed them with clubs, and set them upon the others enforcing his ideas.




Big Boss Brute commands the Boss Brutes who in their turn command the Brutes within their own Squads. Bosses are in charge of commanding the Brutes, seeing to their pay, and ensuring that the dealing and jobs are carried out.


There are nine Squads. Seven council squads: Faithmeister, Marketmeister, Moneymeister, Pitmeister, Taxmeister, Tonmeister, and Treemeister and two other squads: Watchers and the Cavers.


Wimpy is one wishes to join the Brute Squad but have not yet been tested in a Bout Match.
Softy is one who has passed their Bout Match and is learning their duties.
Brute is one who has learned their duties well enough to be given their club.



The seven council squads patrol Gobblyton. The Watcher Squad keeps watch over the nearby forest. The Cavers Squad escorts prisoners to the Undertrees Caves and guards all entrances and exits.


A Wimpy earns no pay. A Softy earn one mark a day, and a Brute earns ten marks a day. A Boss earns thirty marks a day while the Big Boss earns one hundred marks a day.


Each of the seven council squads find themselves serving as strongarms for their respective council member in addition to their Brute Sqaud duties, though only as deep as their Boss demands.   The Big Boss uses the Watchers and Cavers Squad for their own agendas as well.


Must Be Dones

At all times Brutes must ensure that no harm comes to the home trees, which are a rare. It takes generations to grown a home tree and without them them there is no Gobblyton.
No messenger bat should ever be harmed, especially the tamed ones that serve as mounts and steeds. With these bats, goblins can travel the night skies in relative safety, giving them the freedom to travel unknown to humans who do not abide monsters.
Enforce a deal is a deal unless a better one comes along. Failure to make profitable deals is an atrocity to goblin existence.

Brute Truths

Profits can be had by Brutes in addition to their pay. Running a protection racket for their Boss, taking bribes to catch a thief, or to look the other way when a crime that does not fall into one of the Must Be Dones is happening.



Brute Tree

This serves as headquarters for the nine squads. Wimpys will sleep just inside the Ground Door until they have passed their Bout Match and become a Softy who gets to move up the tree to the training barracks.   Once trained into a Brute, they take turns living in there in shifts lasting one moon. During these shifts, they maintain Brute Tree, guard any prisoners in the jails, train Softies, or test Wimpies.


Flying Camp
Watchers have the Flying Camp. They are the only Brutes assigned messenger bats and do not have to purchase their own. Its location is outside of Gobblyton and is always a secret kept amongst the Bosses.   Rock Fort
Cavers inhabit the old fort made of mossy rocks that once defended the Undertrees Caves where the goblins lived before founding Gobblyton.


Watchposts hidden in the trees surround Gobblyton. Every dawn and dusk the Watchers fly back and forth during shift change.   Hole watches manned by the cavers are the exits the Cavers guard for escaping prisoners. They march back and forth from the fort in dawn and dusk shift changes, too.



The Brutes have no formal alliances with other organizations but they do keep open communications and trade with the werewolf packs who claim dominance over Hoia Forest.


Before Gobblyton
When the werewolves first began, their numbers were few but they began to forge a domain after several bloody conflicts with the goblins.   As the numbers of werewolves grew and their numbers declined, the goblins began to hide high up in the trees. Thus, Gobblyton came to be.   After Gobblyton
Over the generations, the werewolves expansion never ceased and there are now five packs for the goblins to contend with.   Trade brought peace. Goblins, ever the daring sort when it came to profits, boldly made the first offerings and an economy of sorts grew within Hoia.


The Art of Diplomacy is a weak one for both goblins and werewolves but the needing of trade goods by the packs and the haggling souls of the goblins has brought some semblence of diplomatic relations.



When a goblin becomes a Brute, they are given a patch bearing a wooden club. It is proudly stitched onto either a sleeve or chest piece. G'anny Cliapolta made the first patch and, to this day, the stitchers of the Polta Home Tree make them.


Master carvers in their Under Roots workshops provide the finest made wooden clubs for the Brute Squad.


Wroomurk insisted the only uniform was the beret. Softies wear the Green Berets until they are trained enough to wear the Red Berets.

Cover image: by Alfred_Grupstra


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Dec 17, 2023 22:12 by Melissa

Thanks for sharing this on your stream, glad I was able to catch it! Great job with the BBCode for scrolling. Love the header and your page layout is neat!  

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Dec 17, 2023 22:28 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds
Jan 3, 2024 19:55 by Kwyn Marie

I like the animation at the beginning. Very cool.

Jan 4, 2024 07:32 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanks ... its marquee BBCode

Come vist my worlds