The Third World War Military Conflict in HSA (Homeland State Authority) | World Anvil
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The Third World War

The Third World War did not start off as a world conflict at all, but instead as an uprising instigated by local Oil and Forestry businessmen in the outer border regions of Anderstern.  The majority of the resources they needed to further expand their business were on the Poe side of the border, but Poe had very strict rules on monopolies and the kinds of businesses that took more than their fair share of resources (pre-war Poe was a very “Eat The Rich” kind of place). Knowing that they couldn’t get these resources or the valuable markets of Poe to sell them without war, these businessmen baited the Anderstern government into invading the forest that separated the two countries. Thus started the bloody-ten year stalemate over this valuable stretch of land, which by the end of the war would be completely useless (No-Man’s Land) and seen as cursed. Tyred would join the war on the side of Anderstern hoping to gain more valuable land for itself (it was facing a desertification crisis, that instead of helping the war only made worse). Anderstern, at Tyred’s behest invaded northern Sjorst and Kclavic, as Tyred wanted their territory in exchange for their participation in the war (the Heximum mining tycoon was the one to set this in motion). The Siala Islands tried to stay neutral as long as possible, but in the second year of the war, Anderstern decided to invade them to use them as a staging ground for opening up another front against Poe. With so many fronts added to the war, it was not the quick conflict military planners devised, but instead drawn-out with front lines barely moving with high casualties and attrition rates on all sides. The businesses that had convinced their governments to go to war were not profiting the way they thought (yes, some made lots of money on the war, but as it stretched on to an over ten year conflict, pretty much all companies were bleeding money. The once mightly countries of the continent were barely being held together, and were poised to fall (The Siala Islands and Sjorst were no more by year five of the war). The war wouldn’t be ended until the same businessmen who started it, started the BFA, and overthrew the remaining governments uniting the continent under their control.
Conflict Type


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Aug 6, 2021 07:22 by Dimitris Havlidis

Thank you for submitting on my special category! I really hope you enjoyed taking part in SummerCamp this year.

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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