Sweet-Snow Challenge Tradition / Ritual in The Hefflings | World Anvil

Sweet-Snow Challenge

I feel so full, I could .. uh oh
— A regular phrase one says as they fail the Irongut challenge
  Within the city of New Point Harbor is a newly opened, Sir Aye Cream Parlour; a place which sells Sweet Snow. Never before has the planeverse had seen this kind of place, which sells cold and sweet treats of ice and cream.   Every year in July, this brand new establishment hosts a challenge of eating 33 large bowls of Sweet Snow. There are 4 stages of prizes, offering different kinds of rewards. Contestants are entered into one of the stages, which depends on how many bowls of Sweet Snow one eats. However, one must also eat as much as they can before it melts, because eating melted Sweet Snow does not count, therefore the challenger must be quick.  


There are prizes depending on how many bowls one finishes in one sitting. There are 4 prizes to win; the copper prize, silver, gold and diamond. The contestant must finish 10 bowls to win the copper prize; 20 for silver; 30 for gold and 33 for diamond.   In the past, there were many people who won a Copper prize; which often was a voucher for the store for free Sweet Snow. However the higher the prizes, the lesser people managed to win. In fact there is yet to be a Diamond winner. Many contestants lose, as they claim to be too full or have gotten Brain Freeze.

The Third Sweet Snow Challenge

This year in JULY, can you handle the freeze? Eat 33 bowls of Sweet Snow and win an A-Class ticket to board a Pleasure Planeship!
— Poster for the Third Sweet Snow Challenge at the Sir Ayes Cream Parlour



I've eaten so much Sweet Snow that my head hurts!
— A contestant who won a copper prize.
Eating too much Sweet Snow at once or in quick succession, can give one a headache. That is one of the challenges of this contest. This headache lasts for about 10 minutes. However, there have been cases where people have claimed to have had this headache for a few days.   In fact, it had effected them so badly the next day, they were bed ridden. This goes even further, as people also claim they feel cold during this time. Not only during/after this challenge, but also after eating just one Sweet Snow. The owner of the Sir Aye Cream Parlour denies any coralation to the Sweet Snow they sell and these headaches.


1. No magic, drinking potions or casting spells!
2. Melted Sweet Snow does not count!
3. All bowls must be eaten in succession; no breaks!
4. Fail the challenge and you must pay for the Sweet Snow you have eaten.


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Jul 28, 2020 11:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I see what you did here. Love it. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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