Palace of Light Building / Landmark in The Hefflings | World Anvil

Palace of Light

The Palace of Light is the main Cathedral of Taria's Order. It is the residence of the Order's Council of Matrons and Patrons. The grand building is located in Embercliff, a city that was once plagued with Entropy.   In the Embers, the Palace was built by the first Children of Atharia and Taria herself. Since its constuction, the Palace of Light has stood the test of time and has always been the home of Taria's Children.   Centruries ago in the year 544, Embercliff was evacuated as Entropotic Forces were entering the plane of Atharia in the middle of what was then a small fishing town. After the Order had defeated the monsters and closed the Rift which still scars the city today, the historical scrolls say the only building which was standing was the Palace of Light. It is said, Taria herself protected her children's home. This is then to be known as Taria's Preservation and was added to the Embers.  


The first two parts which people notice about the palace is it's tall obelisk and gigantic dome.

The Obelisk

On top of the obelisk is a brightly lit torch, which never burns out. This is the Obelisk of Light which protects the palace and its city which surrounds the home of Taria's Children. This is a torch of pure essence, which priests and priestesses tell their devout worshippers the light wards away the Entropotic Forces which threaten their lives.
I give you, my children, this light of a phoenix to watch over you and protect you from the evil and darkness my twisted sister bestowed upon you all.
— Taria addressing her children once the Obelisk of Light was lit

The Dome

The dome sit on top of the main building where all of the religious ceremonies and gatherings occur. From the outside, the dome glows as it reflects the light from the Obelisk. From the inside, the dome looks like the sky on a bright sunny day. A fitting feature for a hall which people call, the Hall of Day.

The Hall of Day

The Hall of Day is where the worshipers and followers of Taria can go to show their devotion, as well as to recieve blessings from the Head Matron, Beldina Darkflower herself. In fact, many devoters go onto large pilgrimages from far away to vist this palace and the Head Matron who symbolises peace and goodness to many people of Atharia and beyond.

The Council

The Palace is where all of the matrons and patrons of the council live. It was Taria's hope that her children can learn to live together in harmony, and having all leadership under one roof was the childern's way of making their all-mother's wish come true. However, quite often a matrons and patrons work requires them to work away from home. At least this is their official stance on this matter.   Within the Palace is a council room, where the matrons and patrons meet to discuss Order affairs. It is these meetings which can determine if the Order must get involved with any political activities, particularly if it involves Entropotic Forces.
Alternative Names
Home of Taria's Children
Cathedral / Great temple


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Jul 24, 2020 11:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I have a really great mental image of the Palace, now! I love all the little details you put in. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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