Cult of the Night Organization in The Hefflings | World Anvil

Cult of the Night

  • Cultists who worship the Vampires of the Night World and wish to bring their Masters back to Atharia ... or even to enter the NW.
  • These people embrace Entropy
  • Rumoured these are children/decendants of those who were cursed with The Thirst
  • Structure

    Lead by a Cult Leader who goes by the name of Zanuth. Their true identity is unknown.   The Cult spans throughout Atharia. The Cult often works locally and in small groups.

    Public Agenda

    Their goals are to return the Dominions of the Night World to Atharia.

    Divine Origins

    Been around since the DoD.   It is said they are still cursed with the Thirst, as they still have a bond with their Vampiric Masters. This bond makes the victim their Thrall.   When a Vampire bites their victim, the curse of the Thirst is inflicted on the victim. Part of this curse is the Bonding between the Vampire and the Victim. This bonding is everlasting until the Vampire they're bonded with have died, thus severing the bond. Therefore it is rumoured that these Cultists still have a bond with their Masters. In fact many have proudly admitted to being a Thrall to their Vampiric MAsters.


    The Cult works in small groups, led by a leader who they call their LESSER_CULT_LEADER. They believe that this LESSER_CULT_LEADER is chosen by their Vampiric Masters to keep the Thralls together. So "when" their masters return they can feed off of their Thralls to survive in Atharia.

    Political Influence & Intrigue

    The Cult of the Night are outlawed by the Atharian Alliance. Anyone caught worshipping the Night are to be executed. Therefore these Cultists often worship in hiding and secret. This naturally would raise suspicion and paranoia among groups, especially in the nobel courts. Currently there has not been any instances of cult worshiping in the nobel courts.
    Religious, Cult


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