Noah Silver Character in Hanzelot | World Anvil

Noah Silver


Who he was

Do you think I can't do it?
— Noah Silver
Noah was a trouble finder when he was a kid. He didn't start any problems, but he made sure to be part of them, which most of the time meant more trouble for him and his friends. Growing up, he wasn't on the privileged side of society, but he wasn't scrapping for food either. Sure, he didn't have any luxury items but at least his parents put food on his plate and gave him a place to live, and that was all they did for him.

Older kids raised him between fights in the street. They taught him how to defend himself. They had fun daring each other to climb structures not meant for climbing, going alone to dangerous places at night, treasure hunt on piles of garbage. Noah went to school sometimes. He was smart, but school was boring and full of rules he didn't want to obey.

He said he didn't care about the future when teachers tried to guide him to a more responsible life and warned him about the danger to leave school. Noah knew that education didn't matter in a world where the game was made for the rich to win and always will be. The present and having fun was enough.

That was what he believed until his parents kicked him out of the house. Noah was angry, but he had friends. A group of bandits that lead him to sometimes criminal ways.

One chance to have it all

I'll make you proud.
— Noah Silver

Noah's life changed (just like the lives of everyone on Enis) when The Anomaly appeared in the sky. Thanks to his skills he joined The Agents of Chaos under Dylan Omen's protection.

Noah and Dylan became very close. Noah knew since the beginning that Dylan had a soft spot for him. Sometimes he used it to his advantage, but mostly they protected each other in every action against the army they planned together. Their closeness didn't change when Noah was proclaimed Chaos. Dylan was more protective of him because both of them knew the danger Noah was facing.

Although Noah didn't want the title, but he enjoyed having it. He basked in the trust his comrades gave him. Yes, the army was hunting him, and this time they were up to something nasty because neither his face nor name were made public. Noah believed their new tactic was going to bring him more glory when the army finally trap him or the Agents of Chaos with him as a leader destroy the system.

He was right about the glory, wrong about the rest.

What is the future?

What have I done?
— Noah Silver
Noah got too arrogant and reckless, which is a mistake many Chaos had committed. The usual consequence is death. That was not what happened to Noah. When the Pure loyalty caught him, he was alone and didn't have time to do what every Chaos must do in that situation. The military unit took him to a maximum-security prison. There they forced him to go through the Information retrieval procedure.

He gave up all his comrades' identities included Dylan's. After that, they tweaked the procedure to convince him to become the new captain of the same unit that trapped him. Since then, he's been chasing and killing all the Agents of Chaos he once knew. Noah believes he wanted to betray them. The problem is that he doesn't remember why. With every comrade killed, a gap in his mind grows bigger. What will happen when he meets Dylan again?
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He was Chaos before Dylan Omen
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dylan Omen
Character | Jul 24, 2021

Nothing else matters to him

Information retrieval procedure
Technology / Science | Jul 11, 2021

A new treatment to give soldiers a happy ending and their secrets to the government

Rank/Title | Jul 24, 2021

A title for the most reckless persons


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Aug 5, 2021 17:10 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

That's really a horrifying procedure... Not that he didn't seem to have earn it :p

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