Kobold Species in Fulcrum | World Anvil
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In the minds of people from the Nineward Coalition, the races that often come to mind when thinking of the Beastlands are the kobolds and the Kenku. This is because, unless you travel through the Empire of Fangs, the only way to get to the Beastlands is by ship and, with a few exceptions, the port cities that dot the Inner Sea are run by the kenku in the day and the kobolds at night.   While the race moved out of the caves they used to live in thousands of years ago, their dislike of daylight has never left. This could have been a liability, however the kobolds forged a partnership with the kenku a long time ago, to the point where no one remembers a time when the two cultures have not been intertwined. This working relationship of handing off the running of the ports at sunset and sunrise enables work to proceed 24 hours a day and have led to an astonishingly efficient operation, so much so that the coastal trading settlements of the Beastlands have been dubbed "the Sleepless Cities" by the dwarves, who are very frequent visitors.   The kobolds have developed a reputation for being extremely hard workers. They also, according to the dwarves, brew the best ale on Fulcrum (which coming from dwarves is no small compliment).
"You can take the kobold out of the cave, but you can't take the cave out of the kobold."  
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