Aarakocra Species in Fulcrum | World Anvil
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The Desert of Death is not a monolithic expanse of sand and dirt. Within the large desert, there is a variety of geological formations and microclimates including the sky islands: high plateaus that receive just enough rainfall to support an entirely different ecosystem than the baking desert below. It is here that the race of avian humanoids named the aarakocra call home.
  The sky islands are sufficiently rare that each one is an extremely precious resource and to this day the aarakocra have a protective streak that reflects the distant wars that were fought over the possession of one sky island or another. However, with the race joining the Accord of the Waters, the aarakocra have expanded their moral sphere to encompass the other races in the Beastlands, and lend their flying abilities and tactical expertise to the defense of the collective border.


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