Dust Expedition Military Formation in Frale Tides - Time of the Blue | World Anvil

Dust Expedition

Lead by the Agentform issued by DEPART and usually a few of the local Bridgeform to gather and harvest from the mission.   Sending forces into Dust to wage war on Ancestral Species has proven time and time again they are severely outmatched, and have to resort to defensive tactics.   Dust Expeditions are only issued when there is a need for resources such as gathering for the local Bridge Stonehouse agriculture, resources for the Maincities and Towerways, and very rarely defending from an abnormally active Ancestor.   The Frale are not permitted to join an expedition, and will be sentenced to Frale Jale for even falsely signing up for an expedition.     While expeditions into the Dust Caves are generally not supported by DEPART, private expeditions for experience and brave or foolish are run for spoils worth losing lives.  
"Your son tried to sign up for an expedition today, roping in my daughter too. They're only seven... Why do they have to teach them so young in school?"
-concerned father
A general small surface team:   1 mapper - As Dust Wave constantly grow, break, and shift around the pattern of the landscape, a mapper is sent to guide the group to their destination, as well as note any new changes in Dust and update their current map.

1 climber - Works with the mapper to make traversing the landscape easier, scaling cliffs and maneuvering around unexpected obstacles. They can quickly build and constrict bridges, rope ladders, and help the rest of the party maneuver quickly and safely.

2-3 soldiers - Trained in defensive tactics for the worst outcome, soldiers are armed with weapons for combatting the ancestors and diversion tools to escape encounters, most utilizing light tools.

2-3 gatherers - Usually Bridgeform, bringing storage for the items they are planning on collecting. They have a general knowledge of the land, and can sometimes be the key in surviving the expedition.


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