Chullpas Building / Landmark in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Chullpas (qu-lu-pa)

by hughpierre

Purpose / Function

Chullpas are dedicated funerary towers originally constructed for noble families across the banks of the Mountain River and the Silver Mountains.


Construction varies with the ethnic group: in general, the Dhani of the north construct circular towers of stone, while the Smoggy Cloud Clan of the south are broad, rectangular and made with adobe.


Openings to such tombs all face the rising sun. This includes chullpas worthy of unique names:
  • Innoit Murata
  • Jach'a Phasa
  • Kuntur Amaya
  • Kunturmarka
  • Kutimpu
  • Markahirka
  • Ninamarka
  • Qulu Qulu
  • Uskallaqta
  • Wanqaran
  • Wich'un
  • Chullpas are frequently built atop tolas, so are connected to culuncos: the network of roads dug into the jungle floor and hidden amidst the vegetation.



    A caretaker or watch person who lives close to, or on-site, of the chullpa. He is responsible for maintaining the grounds and guarding the building from thieves and delinquents.



    Corpses in each tomb are typically placed in a fetal position along with some of their belongings such as clothing and common equipment they used in life.

    Special Properties

    Acoustic Properties

    The smaller towers can act as vibratory devices that amplify speech spoken inside. Inversely, the cavernous space serves as a giant eardrum to make hearing those outside easier.


    Keepers' Home

    These are usually an unadorned attachment on the roof or at a side entrance where the person maintaining the structure lives.


    Tolas are piles of fertile dirt that were used as artificial farmland converted into the chullpas' foundation base.   There are hundreds of them scattered throughout the Four Corners.


    There are two types of chullpas:


    A huge blocky building, 40 feet tall, where a majority of bodies are deposited in catacombs decorated with frescos, sculptures and gold glass medallions.


    Smaller single towers made of ringing rocks, clay insulation and basalt shells that are wider at the top than at the bottom.

    Alternative Names
    Funerary Tower
    Parent Location
    Connected Rooms
    Related Ethnicities
    Owning Organization
    Fairy House
    Building / Landmark | Jan 7, 2024

    Cover image: Earthen Dwelling by Finnian MacManus


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