Hedon Tower Building / Landmark in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

Hedon Tower

Lair of Vildramus

After having made so many deals, I’ve had to ask the question that gnawed in my skull the longer I stayed in Degredation, “Am I more of a devil than a person?”

I may not have horns or a tail but those are needed to lie, cheat, and steal from the unsuspecting. I had to do what I had to do if I hoped to encounter that wretched king of villainy, Vildramus. That tower of his loomed high, as if all the sins I’ve committed were stacked to reach the ceiling above. If I wanted that sweet taste of vengeance, it’s here.

Purpose / Function

Vildramus is no mundane devil simpleton. He’s the boss. No King of Hedonism should have to live among the dregs in the city of Degradation. This sprawling building sits on the edge of the city, rising above the rest of the meager structures. It’s here that Vildramus lives and operates from for his projects.

Contents & Furnishings

Vildramus is not a fan of mundane appearances or bulky and tedious defenses. This lair is instead elegant and each room has a theme taken from or inspired by works found in Florenelle. One room might have leaves strewn about with woodland themes while the next could have a tropical Madrian colony sort of feel.


It is said that Vildramus’ wealth equates to the ransom of five kings. There is no doubt that plundering this location would place the looters as kings over a lot of fiends in Inferna.

Hazards & Traps

Countless loyal devils and secretive traps lurk throughout the lair. Vildramus is a crafty devil and intends to prove why he commands the respect or fear over all of them should thieves enter in.

Parent Location
Owning Organization

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