Hall of Brass and Ruby Settlement in Ferlausen | World Anvil

Hall of Brass and Ruby

The Hall of Brass and Ruby is one of the seven Great Dragon Halls. It is located in the Desert Coast region, just north of the Northern Midasudo Range, at the crossroads where the River Name meets the Wittern River. Although it is called a "hall," this really only applies to the central chambers of government; most of the hall is a massive settlement, the largest city in the region by population with approximately 700,000 inhabitants.   The hall is probably most famous as the largest concentrated population of dragonborn in the Desert Coast. Like all the Great Dragon Halls, it hosts a Dragonstone; in this case, the Ruby Stone, for which it is named. The dragonborn living within the city can draw magical power from the stone, which grants them dragonic traits such as firebreath, and the hall also boasts a high proportion of magic-users compared to the rest of the world.


The Hall of Brass and Ruby is overwhelmingly populated with dragonborn, who make up about 95% of the population. 3.5% are humans, with the remaining 1.5% comprising various other species.


The Hall is governed by a parliamentary system which is dividided into legislative and executive branches. It is headed by the Prime Minister, who appoints a Cabinet to assist in executive government. The Prime Minister is appointed by and answerable to the Parliament.  

Legislative Branch

The Parliament of Brass and Ruby makes up the main part of the Legislative Branch of the government, and it is in many ways the more powerful part of the government. In addition to proposing and ratifying legislation and developing the governmental budget, Parliament is also responsible for appointing the Prime Minister, and can vote to have them removed at any time. Parliament is split into two chambers; the Chamber of Ruby and the Chamber of Brass.  
The Chamber of Ruby
The Chamber of Ruby is made up of 30 individuals who are members of the noble families of the Hall, often referred to as the "Ruby Families" or the "Jeweled Families" when referring to noble members of the Great Dragon Halls as a collective. Members of the Chamber are not necessarily the heads of the families, although they often are; instead, the family's Chamber Representative is usually selected for their public speaking, legal knowledge, and organizational skills.   The Chamber of Ruby essentially has four duties within Parliament. The first is to appoint members of the Chamber of Brass from non-noble citizens of the Hall. The second is to draft legislation and pass it, after which it goes to the Chamber of Brass to be voted on and ratified. The third is to ratify or veto the Budget Proposal created by the Chamber of Brass. Finally, the two Chambers together appoint the Hall's Prime Minister, and either Chamber may make a motion to have the Prime Minister removed from power.   Committee organization and meetings are led by the Speaker for the Ruby Chamber, also known as the Ruby Speaker or simply the Speaker. This is a member of the Chamber who is elected by the other Chamber Representatives. Although the Speaker does not technically have greater power than any other member of the Chamber, in practice, the Speaker's political opinions often hold great sway within the Chamber.  
The Chamber of Brass
The Chamber of Brass is made up of 30 individuals who are not from noble families, but are considered leaders of the community. Appointed by the Chamber of Ruby, Brass Chamber Representatives tend to be wealthy merchants and guild leaders, though in the past there have also been religious leaders and community organizers. Traditionally, the Chamber of Brass is seen as the "voice of the people," and it often holds open sessions which the public are invited to attend and speak at, where the Chamber of Ruby tends to hold exclusively closed sessions.   The Chamber of Brass has three main duties within Parliament. The first is to draft the Parliamentary Budget Proposal, to be voted on and ratified by the Chamber of Ruby. The second is to vote on and either ratify or veto all legislation proposed by the Chamber of Ruby. Lastly, the Chamber of Brass and the Chamber of Ruby together appoint the Hall's Prime Minister, and either Chamber may make a motion of no confidence to have them removed from office. The Chamber of Brass is rather famous for making the first votes of no confidence in the Prime Minister.   Committee organizations and chamber meetings are run by the Speaker for the Brass Chamber, also known as the Brass Speaker or sometimes just the Speaker, depending on context. The Speaker is elected by the Chamber of Brass from within its own ranks, and historically the position has been seen as one of authority, honor, and privilege. Although the Speaker does not formally hold any greater power than any other member of the Chamber, since it is an elected position, their policies most often reflect the thoughts of the Chamber as a whole.  

Executive Branch

The executive branch of the Hall of Brass and Ruby consists of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. They wield executive authority, make general policy decisions, and perform a variety of other services. The Prime Minister and the Minister of the Guard together have final authority over the army of the Hall of Brass and Ruby. The Minister of Justice, who oversees all judicial processes, is answerable directly to the Prime Minister, and for this reason the Hall is not considered to have a judicial branch.  
Prime Minister
The Prime Minister of the Hall of Brass and Ruby acts as both head of government and head of state, representing the Hall in a variety of political arenas, wielding executive authority over the various departments, and heading the armed forces of the Hall. They are appointed by and ultimately answerable to the Parliament of Brass and Ruby, and can be removed from power at any time by a 2/3 majority vote of the Parliament.   The Prime Minister's duties include enforcing the laws and policies of the Hall of Brass and Ruby, representing the Hall's interests in diplomatic and state functions, and appointing members of a Cabinet to assist them in the fulfillment of their duties as Prime Minister.   As of the year 1266 PAC, the Prime Minister cannot hold a position as a member of Parliament as the same time as holding the office of Prime Minister, and neither can any member of their Cabinet. If the Prime Minister or member of the Cabinet previously held such a position, they must step down and a new representative must be chosen.  
The Cabinet
The Prime Ministers Cabinet is made up of a number of individuals with specialized knowledge regarding their area of expertise. Although there are many positions, the following are some of the notable positions:   The Minister of Justice handles the judiciary system, makes executive policy decisions within the judiciary system, and advises the Prime Minister on all legal matters.   The Minister of the Guard is head-in-chief of the armed forces and advises the Prime Minister on military matters.   The Minister of Foreign Affairs is in charge of diplomacy for the Hall of Brass and Ruby, and advises the Prime Minister on policy decision involving other states.   The Minister of the Treasury handles financial institutions for the Hall of Brass and Ruby, and is in charge of dispensing the budget as per mandated by the Parliament.   The Minister of Public Health is in charge of government-based medical institutions and makes policy decisions regarding public health concerns, including sanitation and waste disposal, and also advises the Prime Minister regarding public health decisions.   The Minister of the Hall deals with public infrastructure and land management, including institutions surrounding road construction and maintenance, building construction, land use policy, and water resource management. They also advise the Prime Minister regarding decisions dealing with the infrastructure of the Hall.


The Hall of Brass and Ruby is ringed by a series of concentric defensive walls, growing older as you head towards the city center. This is because each wall once marked the city borders, but as the Hall expanded and built outside these walls, newer walls were erected to protect the new inhabitants. Although there are over a dozen different walls within the city, there are really only three that are of any note.   The Outer Wall, sometimes known as the Red Wall, began construction in 2632 PAC, and did not see completion until nearly a hundred years later in 2725 PAC. It was an ambitious project, an attempt to encircle the entire city. Twenty years after construction began, it had already fallen short of that aim, as a massive influx of immigrants from the east began building outside the walls. However, the Outer Wall continues to be used today by the military, as it provides significant vantage points from the fortresses, and the gates were some of the most sophisticated technology of their time, and have proved useful in the even of sieges in the past.   Within the Outer Wall lies the Butcher's Wall, so named because it is most intact around the livestock processing and distribution district of the city. The Butcher's Wall was once part of a lengthy section of wall to the west of the Hall of Brass and Ruby, which was built in the late 2100s to defend the newly-developed districts of the city. However, in the intervening centuries, almost two thirds of the wall were torn down or knocked through, so that now only the Butcher's Wall and a few free-standing gates remain.   The innermost wall still standing, usually called the Brass Wall, encircles the governmental district of the city, where the Capitol and Chambers of Parliament are built, as well as several government offices, a number of ancestral houses belonging to the Ruby families, and a few parks. It is believed that the Brass Wall once marked the city limits; however, now it seems to solely protect the most powerful members of the Hall.  
There are fourteen major wagon-carrying bridges within the Hall of Brass and Ruby which span the River Name and Wittern Rivers; four of these cross the River Name, while the remaining ten span the Wittern. Most of these bridges are very old, going back to the Great Arcane Era; however, they have all been rebuilt many times. They are primarily maintined by the Ministry of the Hall.   The bridge which has remained unchanged the longest in the Hall is the Fifth Street Bridge, which crosses the River Name river at Fifth Street. It is a stone bridge with one central arch large enough for riverboats to pass beneath, and two smaller arches on either side for support. The Fifth Street Bridge was last rebuilt in the 23rd century PAC, and it is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in the city.   In addition to the wagon-bridges, there are a few footbridges, the most famous of which is the Spider's Bridge, situated in the northern part of the city, crossing the Wittern River. Historically, this bridge was actually called the Espier's Bridge, as it was once the first bridge which boats from the north would have to pass under to enter the Hall, and guards were stationed there. However, as the Hall expanded and the bridge became less important, the locals began referring to it as the "Spider's Bridge" due to the numerous population of orb weaver spiders that have taken up residence along the railings of the bridge.  
Since the Hall of Brass and Ruby is located at the intersection of two major rivers, the inhabitants have taken advantage of the plentiful waterpower available. The two best-known watermills in the Hall are known simply as the Old Mill and the New Mill, and both were built and are still currently run by the Ministry of the Hall. The Old Mill is a gristmill, used for processing grains such as wheat, barley, and rye, while the New Mill is a saw mill and mostly powers lumber.
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