Laemon Character in Ethnis | World Anvil


Laemon is one of the members of the expedition. He is a Hedonite cousin of Allarah, and the connection which she leveraged to bring Lysjho, Synna and Mir aboard. His main role is as a scout, though he is pretty handy in close-quarters combat and midrange ballistics.

Laemon struggles with his Hedonite and Vanthric ties, which sometimes comes into conflict. His fealty to his family has him focused on protecting Allarah foremost, while his fealty to Hedon means that once Lysjho is revealed to be a Count, he must follow him. If ever the wishes of the Family and Hedon come into question, he will be particularly wrenched by them.

If his story has advanced enough, you may help him decide whether to be loyal to the orders of his Family, or to the orders of Hedon—in the case of the latter he will always listen to Lysjho.

Laemon is an accomplished free-runner and climber. He is the go-to for any of the parties' scouting concerns. He's diligent, with just enough of a wild streak to venture the danger of looking into the darker corners of a map. He's a thrillseeker when given the opportunity, and Saumai has many.

This handsome Sauthei may add certain complications to the story as time goes on. He may not be as... prolific... as Lysjho, but Laemon is a Hedonite, and finds himself attracted to many members of the expedition.



Ijin and Vamir

If both Ijin and Vamir are alive, they will enter into a messy love triangle that may lead to a bloody death.


If Vamir is dead and Ijin is in peril, Laemon will endanger himself to protect her.


Laemon stands firm by his elder cousin's decisons.


Laemon will defend Lysjho, but not with his life unless the party wins his loyalty.


Laemon is attracted to Immuna


Laemon is attracted to Geil

Cover image: The Saumain Crow by Ademal via Midjourney


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