The Hub Wars Military Conflict in Ethnis | World Anvil

The Hub Wars

The Hub Wars is the collective name for the uprisings, upheavals, and unrest which came with the onset of the Melancholic Lacuna and persisted for hundreds of years after.

Sudden scarcity in previously post-scarcity regions resulted in massive societal collapse, power shifts, and the concretion of tyranny of the Figureheads of the Banners.

Sudden Scarcity

During the Expansion, the Banners spread to the starts like a virus, starting colonies thousand, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands strong on new worlds. Thecnology was brought to bear to change the face of these worlds, to harness their resources and make them habitable. This spread resulted in massive economic and industrial growth which in turn meant wealth, power, and comforts to all within Ethnis—or at least those within The Hub.

When the WayHall mysteriously closed, this ended overnight. The movement of necessary resources, the collapse of economy, the limitation of travel, and the silence of communication all conspired to bring society to its knees. People became fearful, and their fear turned to violence.

Banner Outcomes

Verin Haimarchy

The Haimarchy managed the best. The Families took direct control of their worlds, and Anchaemo Vanthra re-focused all its efforts onto survival and reorganization.

Edenic Somnacy

Civil wars broke out across Eden, Mars, Luna, and the Confederated Moons of Titan. The Somnolent spent many years re-uniting the worlds of the Sol System and tracking down dissidents.

Jupiter Syndicate

Forced to turn inwards, the Syndicate (successfully) did everything in its power to not revert to scarcity or the clutches of capitalism.

ValuSelu Pact

While the Pact plunged into infighting scattered across the lands, they still managed to clean their planet of its pollution and re-organize their economy to spread back out to the other Banners.


Dissolved almost entirely during this time and went into hiding.


Dissolved almost entirely during this time and went into hiding. Desire kept her ship in Syndicate Space under a secret treaty.


Didn't exist yet. Was founded at the beginning of the Reclamation after the Lacuna.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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