Etuti Settlement in Eridu | World Anvil
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Etuti (E-two-tea)

Etuti is the most unique farming Village of Rebu a man by the name of Ehus settled the land and built his house as a mound he excavated the land he sought to tame and not wanting to waste any space for crop growth built a roof and buried his house planting his crop over the top of his home. Etuti is a sprawling land scape of agricultural ingenuity where you my not find a soul unless you know where you are looking or if they are out in their field.


About 70% of the people who live in Etuti are Halflings, 20% are Rabbitfolk and 10% are human.

Industry & Trade



Subterranean homes and purification of waste for feralization of agricultures


Etuti was founded but Ehus Fremwise a halfling farmer who wanted to use ever inch of his land for growing crops to not only maximize his crop yield, but also because he did not want to destroy the natural beauty of the land he was settling. While his original intent was to just make his land in a mostly non-detrimental way neighbors began to ask him to help them to also build there houses in the same manner. After some years there were enough people that rules and regulation were put into place for people looking to settle the surrounding land. Ehus was elected the first mayor and the central hub of distribution and commerce was named Etuti.


Mostly travelers and shipment caravans come through the land not much for tourism as the land is predominantly farm lands.


Subterranean homes
Founding Date
2340 WH
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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